Hi all. I used to have hypoglycemia when I was younger but have since grown out of it. I used to have to eat every 2-3 hrs but now (and for the last couple years) I can go entire days without eating. During my OW dives I ate a light breakfast and only lasted through the ESA before I was done for the day. My second attempt I completed a 30 min and 23 min dive but crashed at the end of the 23 min dive and stayed out of the water. For those two dives I ate a large breakfast and ate something in the area of 3-4 sandwiches + fruit between the two dives. In the pool I have no problems for extended periods. I'm in WA state so the only things I can think it might be is cold water (I'm in a wetsuit; famer john style plus jacket so 14mm on my torso - should be enough?) and/or increased metabolism just from being underwater. I'm going to a dive doc as soon as I can get an appointment. I'm hoping there's something I can do or through experience it will go away. Any thoughts on causes/solutions?