Blood and Sharks

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Ok, ok.... Not really a big shark and not that much blood... My Buddy and I were diving in about 30' off of Jersey shore today - noticed a small, about 3ft shark on the ledge of a rock - just chillin'. It was a dogfish (so relax with your JAWS scenarios). She let us come up really close to her - my face was about 2 - 2,5 ft away. I was mesmorized - probably one of the closest encounters underwater(at least this year) with anything that moves more than 10in. a year.

Next thing I know - she snaps back (kinda twisting sideways motion) and hits me in the face full force. My mask is off, reg is out, lip is bleeding... Took me sometime to fumble for the reg. Bud put the mask in my hands. It was a weird incident. I could not figure out why the fish reacted the way it did.

We could not really continue diving as my buddy was cracking up (his reg kept falling out). As we got to the boat - he really let it go.... After about a 10 min laugh the moron proceeds to tell me that he grabbed the fish by the tail when I got really close (he was to my left and slightly behind) - that's why it flipped.

Now the reason I'm telling this is NOT to have you berate my buddy or me - we are both adults but do DO behave stupidly sometimes. And we know the DO NOT TOUCH (unless u will eat it) RULE... What I need from u fellow divers is a way to get him back. I need a practical joke scenario (and don't give me the "diving is not a joking matter" spiel).

BTW - both of us have more than 24 yrs of diving exp. combined. As a tandem we dove over 500 times together in a lot of different conditions.
The funniest one I've heard about is to take some chocolate coins in gold wrap. Just drop a few and arrange for the buddy to swim over them.
Empty both of his tanks before your next trip out. That'll fix his wagon.
Nope I got the best "get him back better and even the score trick" On my dive (in jersey, shark river inlet Belmar) I watch my buddy play around with another buddies gear and then my gear thought nothing of it maybe double checking our gear. Any way we gear up walk out and drop down and I watch this oil streak leach out from his pocket a couple of min later fish from every angle was feasting on canned cheese wiz from his pocket, I laughed so hard underwater until they smelled the cheese from my pocket and wanted a taste of cheese and bacon from me :laughing: . I was swatting and dodging and rolling every way possible until I figured out I was cheesed up too. None the less can cheese wiz is a great little gage and it works under water and the fish go nuts for it. No harm no foul. :D
Attach a lift bag to his first stage when he isn't looking.
Swim up under him and pull the leg opening of his suit open a bit and purge your reg into it, inflating his wetsuit.
Before he gets dressed, Aquaseal the legs and arms of his suit closed.
Put some Loc-tite on his inflator hose button.

Maybe you should just go with the cheese wiz. :wink:

WOW!!! I think the cheeze wiz is in the lead.... But the AquaSeal - that's good too... Keep 'em coming...
Childish, childish, childish. If you must get even diving is not the place to do it, a practical joke while diving could lead to something not so good or worse.
the cheese whiz....why not make the fish happy too? :wink:
Childish, childish, childish. If you must get even diving is not the place to do it, a practical joke while diving could lead to something not so good or worse.

You r right.... It is childish - BUT FUNNY!!! And I'm not about to cut his BC or do any other stupid equipment related thing... That's why Cheeze Whiz RULES! Plus it's so PHILLY!!!

BTW - today spent $25 on honey - and covered his car in it... (He had to use hot water to get it off)... Will do more...

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