Blackbird Caye Resort Trip Report

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Bellingham WA. USA
Hi All;
I just got back from a week at the Blackbird Caye Resort at Turneffe Reef
in Belize. Here are some quick opinions and brief thoughts. If any one would like more
detail, please feel free to PM me and I'll be happy to go into more detail.
Accomodations: A-B depending on your bungalow.
Staff quality: A (Very good dive master. Rest of staff is very friendly.)
Management Quaility: A (The couple that manage the resort really try to
make your stay nice but they are leaving in a couple of months.)
Food: C- (Not horrible but not very thrilling to say the least. Also, no
snacks or between meal foods available unless you take something with you after a
Dive Sites: B-. (The Blue Hole and the 2 dives following are very nice but the
dive sites that the resort does its boat dives from, while not awful by any means,
were also for the most part not very thrilling either. Some turtles and cuda, 1
hammerhead, but not much color on the reefs. Viz so-so on most dives.)
Resort Dive Rules: B-. (All dives are group dives, no individual exploring. Only 1 night dive. No Nitrox, No shore diving. 3 boat dives a day and the boats are
not the greatest. Serviceable, but not covered and hard to get back into.)
Overall relaxation leval: B (However, you could probably get more bang
for your buck at other resorts.)
Would I recommend the resort or go back? NO. Regards, Winenut
Thanks for the report. I have been there for a day (the dive op used their dock for lunch) & thought the place was nice but not sure I would want to spend a week. After hearing about the dive sites, now I'm sure.

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