Blackbeard cruise 9/14-9/22

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There is one good thing about going during hurricaine season. If there are no tropical storms, the ocean will be dead calm. I've been told by the Blackbeards staff that this is the best season to go if you want to dive the wreck of the Hesperus. From what I've heard, you DO want to dive the wreck of the Hesperus. It is reputed to be crawling with turtles.

I've never been able to get there on my Blackbeards trips because the weather was not cooperative. If you have calm weather, ask them to take you there.
I had a super time also. The crossing from Florida was really rough and at night. A lot of people got sick and we bounced around like ping pong balls.

I went by myself but a lot of others were solo so you will not have any trouble making aquintances. When you first get there,there isn't anyone to show you the ropes. So the best thing to do is stow your dive gear in the compartments under the seats. Then when you get your bunk assignment you won't have to worry about your dive gear too.

Have a good time, Enjoy the sharks, and don't forget the clothes pins.
I'll have to write that down. I'll ask them about that. I've been keeping my eye on the tropical storms, been way too quiet. Hope it stays that way for 3 more weeks!

So you don't get to pick your bunk? Been told I want the one's in the bow of the boat for privacy. But the one's in the galley for comfort(no privacy). Since I'm alone I wonder which I'll get.
The far forward bow compartment is a tiny, open room with four bunks in it. Those bunks are the only ones on the boat that I would not want to be in. I find them cramped and claustrophobia inducing. On the last trip I took, one of the forward bunks had a nasty leak over it.

There are 4 bunks directly aft of the bow that are great for singles. They are behind privacy curtains on opposite sides of a staircase. They are the best on board for privacy for a single. The only person in your space is the person in the bunk directly above or below you.

I didn't mind being in a bunk in the main cabin on my last trip. I had all the privacy I needed by pulling the curtain and I had plenty of space inside to strecth out.

If you call Blackbeards I'm sure they can tell you which bunk you are assigned to. I don't know if they will switch you though, if you don't like your bunk.
I think I'll call them on Tuesday and ask just so I'll know. I was hoping to not have to bunk with my friend since he snores HORRIBLY. But I guess myself and the rest of the boat can throw him overboard!
scubagruba once bubbled...
I think I'll call them on Tuesday and ask just so I'll know. I was hoping to not have to bunk with my friend since he snores HORRIBLY. But I guess myself and the rest of the boat can throw him overboard!

After 3 dives and a day of partying at sea and in the sun you will sleep like a rock even if someone was running a chain saw next to you.
Yeah you are probably right.

I called today and asked for somewhere other than the bow. They said that it shouldn't be a problem, which is good news.

3 dives/, I can't wait!
Was wondering if there are a lot of singles on live aboards.

i always figured they were for couples on dive vacations.

have yet to go on one because i haven't felt like being the only person who didn't bring a dive buddy.
I've heard of plenty of singles that go. I for one would have gone by myself and actually had plans to do so, but got a buddy at the last minute.

Most of the boats are always full, so there's always someone to buddy with I'm sure.
Haven't visited the board since I got back.

I had a fantastic time. Bull Run was awesome, the food and crew were great. I got the Sea Explorer. The storm stayed south of us so the weather wasn't even a factor. Didn't rain one drop.

I did get slammed by a sea turtle on my first night dive. I dove the Hesperus that night. As I was heading to the wreck I got smacked pretty hard and did an underwater flip. And as I gained composure, I saw the turtle dive off into the wreck. It was actually pretty neat.

All total I think we did around 18 dives, all with great viz. Some with some very strong currents.

I will definetly be going again next year! Just not in Sept.

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