Nice write up! This will be my playbook for next year. I first learned of Bikini sometime around 2000. Just a blundering open water diver who had barely seen the ocean ever in my life. I made (an extremely unrealistic) goal of going there before I turned 30. Never a chance of that happening. Life went one, the next goal of doing it before 40 never happened. But in my 40's I finally learned what it would take. Got the rebreather, a trip to Truk. It was on, I will be there before I turn 50. Stupid Covid. I am still on the books for August of 24. I turned 50 in June of 23. I didn't make the goal of going to Bikini before I turned 50. It was planned, just didn't happen. By the time I make it, I will have been trying to make it happen for nearly 25 years.
I have a year to get myself back into diving proficiently enough to be in Bikini. During that time I will probably run into you again sometime on a trip to California.
I have a year to get myself back into diving proficiently enough to be in Bikini. During that time I will probably run into you again sometime on a trip to California.