I can see this could get heated, but here's my cool 2 cents..
NorthEastWr: I can't imagine, even in the good Ole US of A where somebody could hurt themselves after performing their own maintenance, and then sue the Manufacturer after getting the manual from some guys' web site.
C'mon man, that would never lead to any liability for these manufacturers.
I agree with your views of "ownership" rights etc of the literature, but I chose Genesis's side simply because of the arrogance of the manufactureres.
I realize we are "Scuba blinded", but as posted by Genesis, the car makers do not do this, they cannot by law, and probably the manufacturers of dive equipment cannot by law, deny maintenance kits and parts to customers they sell to. THey do it anyways, and get away with it.
There's no comparision as to the amount of people one incident could realistically kill when it comes to reg maintenance vs., say car repair.
1 bad reg would equal maybe 2 deaths, possibly 3, realisitcally only 1.
One bad brake job could kill 3 car loads of people on a highway.
One is no more "special" or "scientific", or "high-tech" than the other. These days you need special tools to start the damn car for Pete Sake!!!
As Genesis also says, Airspeed seemsto be doing quite fine with "their own" rendition of what their own reg's look like. Like it or not, at least for now, that is legal. I can dismantle my regs, draw a diagram, add some part numbers, O-ring sizes and torque specs, IP pressures I've found etc at will, and then give them away if I want to.
Maybe all that that Poseidon manual needs is a few hand drawn and self-written sections to it!!!
Poseidon should roll with the punches, because good or bad, with the invention of "the Net" everything is for the taking, and wasting time and money on one lone gunner will only bring more cowboys to the party. HEY I'm here!
Case in point, Napster........a hollow victory for the record companies..........who doesn't get the same stuff from Kazaa now?
Ya gotta laugh, it ain't worth the fight or the excessive words written here