I put this list together from other posts on other boards. Maybe it will help.
Rent A Bike Cozumel-
www.rentabikecozumel.com started with Beach cruisers and mountain bikes. Now they have added hybrids and a cyclocross. Brands include Benotto, Raleigh, Norco and Trek. Costs depend on the model you choose and how long you want the bike. Details may be on their website. All rentals include a lock and a helmet and are delivered to you. (987) 113 5283
Bike and Coffee- Yep Bike and Coffee. Caffeine and a nice ride rolled into one. Located on near 10th and AR Salas. 987-869-0767
Sombrero Bikes & Scooters. Now brings the bikes to you or you can pick them up. Phone/WhatsApp 999-949-1919,
Scooter and bike Rentals in Cozumel Mexico
Isla Bicycleta- 10 Avenue #199 between Rosado Salas and 1st Street
987-878-4919 Daily rate: $15 a day, Snorkel gear: $5 extra per day, Weekly rate: $65 per week (includes snorkel gear)
Pedego is located near the Harley rental 2.3 miles south of town on Melgar. They rent cruisers, e-bikes and fatties. 987-688-5003,
Rentadora Cozumel Avenida 10 at Calle 1 987.872.3488
Rentadora Gallo on Avenida 10 between Rosado Salas and Calle 1. Rentadora Gallo rents cars, scooters, and bikes.