It was almost dead yesterday at Blue Hole! We showed up at 9am and Kevin's group was just arriving also.... no one else there! Shortly afterwards a group from CO arrived, then during the day some individuals showed up. That was it....
Some tourists showed up and we chatted with them a bit about BH, diving, etc. It as a very quiet day.
dead at Blue Hole
Kevin's group at picnic tables
Sun was out shining early and no wind but by noon it began to cloud up and wind arrived. We geared up and got in water before anyone else and we were the only ones in the water for the whole dive.
The bottom was covered with crawfish, and I do mean covered! Big ones, little ones, everywhere crawfish. Of course, Ron didn't bring along his camera and I didn't bring the video rig. Vis was also pretty good, you could see all around, every wall and top to bottom.
Kevin's group heading down for Dive 1
When we got out, Kevin's group of students got in the water. Shortly after that the other group of students got in, and Bert with one student joined them all.
Ron and Stella chatting
Kevin aka ABQdiver
We did another dive after all those people got out and we were the only divers in water again except for 3 individuals, two divers together and one tech guy diving doubles and running drills. Vis had dropped dramatically and I am blaming it all on the instructors and students.
Just kidding guys!
Doug aka GrumpyOldGuy
After our dive, Doug finally rolled into the parking lot so we said Hi while we packed up for the drive home. It was a good day of diving at Blue Hole and really nice to be back in the water again.

dead at Blue Hole

Kevin's group at picnic tables
Sun was out shining early and no wind but by noon it began to cloud up and wind arrived. We geared up and got in water before anyone else and we were the only ones in the water for the whole dive.

Kevin's group heading down for Dive 1
When we got out, Kevin's group of students got in the water. Shortly after that the other group of students got in, and Bert with one student joined them all.

Ron and Stella chatting

Kevin aka ABQdiver

We did another dive after all those people got out and we were the only divers in water again except for 3 individuals, two divers together and one tech guy diving doubles and running drills. Vis had dropped dramatically and I am blaming it all on the instructors and students.

Doug aka GrumpyOldGuy
After our dive, Doug finally rolled into the parking lot so we said Hi while we packed up for the drive home. It was a good day of diving at Blue Hole and really nice to be back in the water again.
