Hey Christi, hope you are doing A-oK! 
I would like to see some specific examples.....cause as far as I know, it is a well known fact that Aldora has the only dive pier left on the island.
And alot of the dive ops with shops on the beach got washed away, including the ONLY dive op I have ever used, Papa Hogs.
Plus Dave from Aldora has been pretty spot on in most of his reports. I haven't seen anywhere else where people are saying he is lying etc.
Now if he is PMing people, then shame on him.....message board readers need to report it to the forum mods and let them k-line his login. But as far as publicly, he seems to be nothing other than a good job of self promotion, which lots of others on here have done a good deal of in the past. :14:
So let the people who run the boards take care of it, don't turn this tragedy into a giant forum war by posting a huge flame thrower on your 2nd post James. That is what Trolls do.

I would like to see some specific examples.....cause as far as I know, it is a well known fact that Aldora has the only dive pier left on the island.

Plus Dave from Aldora has been pretty spot on in most of his reports. I haven't seen anywhere else where people are saying he is lying etc.
Now if he is PMing people, then shame on him.....message board readers need to report it to the forum mods and let them k-line his login. But as far as publicly, he seems to be nothing other than a good job of self promotion, which lots of others on here have done a good deal of in the past. :14:
So let the people who run the boards take care of it, don't turn this tragedy into a giant forum war by posting a huge flame thrower on your 2nd post James. That is what Trolls do.