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I'm thinking their theme song might be "Send in the clowns...". :D
Sorry to highjack your thread Yoda, I am unaware of this sensor problem with the Oly 5050, could you enlighten me more and maybe explain the serial number range, just curious to see if mine may fall in that range.
Sorry to highjack your thread Yoda, I am unaware of this sensor problem with the Oly 5050, could you enlighten me more and maybe explain the serial number range, just curious to see if mine may fall in that range.
Here's the original thread - no serial number list is published, you have to call and give them your number to see if you're in the group.
Man Yoda! What a PITA!!! Glad it happened to you and not me though....I'd've lost my voice by now from all the yellin' and hollarin' ;)
I've been resolute and sometimes abrupt, but I'm saving the hollarin' for if and when they don't get my camera back to me better than before it left me and my shipping costs rebated.

A jedi never uses the force in anger - that is the path to the dark side :D.
Yoda - They had my camera for more than three months. Not until after I threatened legal action did they admit they lost the one I sent in and gave me a new camera. I was never successful in speaking with a supervisor. They used the same tired excuses of "seasonal busy" but mine was in the summer.

However, with my 4040 it was back in about a month and much improved. They not only repaired the problem but upgraded the software.

Lets face it - outstanding camera backed by intermittent service. Keep yourself a Memo for the Record including names of all persons you talk to, including the time you spend waiting for someone to answer. Write a brief synopsis of what was said.
Thanks for sharing my pain guys! The words of encouragement do help.
I'll be nice and just say that I was very unhappy with my dealings with Olympus customer service as well.

Love the cam, but I hope I never have to send it in... if/when something DOES happen to it, I hope DEPP has better luck figuring everything out.
Good news - my baby is on her way home!!!!
It shipped today so no information on the website about what was being done to fix it. I called to find out what they had done and was told they replaced the CCD and cleaned and inspected the camera. I had a much nicer conversation on the phone today.

Now I just have to get the strobe back from LeisurePro - I'll start a new thread about my adventures with them if they don't get themselves together. They have been on holiday and are moving their warehouse to NJ so they won't know if the strobe even got there until next week :( .

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