Best vis you've ever had on a beach dive?

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great topic for a thread. The best I've seen is Vets maybe around June, July. It was maybe 30-40 ft vis and I did a day dive there and it felt like we were flying above a beach.
What about our 40ft+ at the So-Cal Dive In? At least thats what I estimated it to be. I think the last 5 times I dove there (this past summer) the vis didn't drop below 25ft, sure makes for some amazing night dives. One night we had at least 35ft. How about a boat diving vis thread Jamie?


What's up Billy? Long time no see/talk,how have things been? You are right about our great visibility at the So-Cal Dive In, it was awesome. I think your idea of a boat diving vis thread is great, get on it! Later bro! Jamie
I saw 40' at Divers Cove in the early 1990s. I had to measure body lengths in the sand to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Other than that I've had 30' at Christmas Tree Cove and Marineland a few times over the past two decades, but anything over ten feet is cosidered great there. I had 20 feet+ at Vet's twice this week, a real rarity for me.
What's up Billy? Long time no see/talk,how have things been? You are right about our great visibility at the So-Cal Dive In, it was awesome. I think your idea of a boat diving vis thread is great, get on it! Later bro! Jamie

Waddup brutha! You down for a dive Tuesday night in your hood? Right now I'm about 75% sure I'll be in town, work has been nuts. Hope all is well bro.

Waddup brutha! You down for a dive Tuesday night in your hood? Right now I'm about 75% sure I'll be in town, work has been nuts. Hope all is well bro.


Hey Billy, thanks for the offer for Tuesday night,but I'm going out with my softball team to celebrate our championship season! I'd like to get together and do a night dive with you soon.What's your schedule look like after Thanksgiving? Some of us are going to White Point tomorrow morning at 7:30, join us if you can. I saw your thread about best boat dive, I'll post mine there soon. Later.
Hey Billy, thanks for the offer for Tuesday night,but I'm going out with my softball team to celebrate our championship season! I'd like to get together and do a night dive with you soon.What's your schedule look like after Thanksgiving? Some of us are going to White Point tomorrow morning at 7:30, join us if you can. I saw your thread about best boat dive, I'll post mine there soon. Later.

I got a PM from John about tomorrow, unfortunately I'm stuck in Florida and don't get back into town until tomorrow night, was supposed to come home today. I think I'm around after Thanksgiving, I'll let you know and congrats on the victory! I gotta get me on a softball team, it's been way too long.

Yup - seriously. I'm open for the weekend - how about a Thanksgiving morning dive like we did a couple years back? G-City, Leo or Deer Creek?

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