Best vis you've ever had on a beach dive?

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Well I guess I better put up my answer to my own post,huh? My best visibility was also at Shaws cove about five years ago,springtime,sunrise dive and an unbelieveable 35'. I have also had great visibility at Veterans this past June/July:25'-30'.
Tajiguas this last summer, 25+ foot vis. Awesome dive!
Night Dive, Last day of Bug Season Last Year, Leo Carillo South end, 25+
What about our 40ft+ at the So-Cal Dive In? At least thats what I estimated it to be. I think the last 5 times I dove there (this past summer) the vis didn't drop below 25ft, sure makes for some amazing night dives. One night we had at least 35ft. How about a boat diving vis thread Jamie?

Man, I thought the viz in So. Cal. would be better. 30-40+ is good up here in the cold Puget Sound. I've got to get down to Laguna soon and visit my brother in-law and see the sights.
Shaw's two years ago the day after Thanksgiving @ 30-40' ... never been close to that since.
I gotta second Billy here, the several weeks around the Dive In were amazing at Vets.

Much better than the 5' or less I'm used to :)

Edit: well yeah with the exception of Casino Point. Maybe we should say SoCal " mainland."

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