If you like a bit of wall diving, entering at La Dania's Leap (and exiting at Karpata) is the bees knees. Much more of a wall than Cliff. Additionally, the transition from the wall near La Dania to the rolling hills (like curtains, tilted 45 degrees) of Karpata is quite nice. The shallows of Karpata where you can do an extended safety-stop-depth "second half" before exiting were amazing.
I don't have a "worst", but when we did Larry's Lair, the curtain of fire coral that we had to thread through, single file, just a few feet from shore wasn't exactly delightful. None of us brushed any of it, of course, but it did add a little extra stress to the beginning and end of that dive. (The dive was great.)
The terrain at North Belnem/Corporal Meiss/Windsock was quite cool. The reef curves around, making you feel almost as if you're diving on the seats of a Greek amphitheater.
Oil Slick Leap and 1000 Steps were a blast, just due to the entry and exit parameters, and the dives themselves were fantastic. (If you look at pictures online of Oil Slick Leap and see a rickety old rusted ladder, that's gone. The ladder there now is a nice, wide ladder such as I love to find on well-kept boats.) Oh, and the best thing about Oil Slick Leap was making a bunch of extra entries after we finished the dive. We stowed the gear in the truck and just took turns launching ourselves from the overhang.