Best military units of all time

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“The Army of Northern Virginia was the best of it's time and possibly one of the best ever. If you don't know why it's on someone's list, you don't know much about its accomplishments against very long odds.”

No, I disagree on all counts. The Army of Northern Virginia won a war of attrition with overwhelming resources and numbers against a smaller, starving force, even if it was better led. Americans obsess about that war but don’t’ agree on it. That doesn’t make those who disagree ignorant, as you suggest. Nathan Bedford Forrest and his forces might be a better candidate for presaging modern mobile infantry tactics (if you ignore the atrocities at Fort Pillow). And, I believe the Stonewall Jackson's Virginians were the best of the time.

“Barca did go to Rome. His mistake was not going into Rome.”

I still think this sounds like Hannibal. He had the best opportunity to take Rome after Cannae. There were a number of Barcos, but other than those who one in Spain and Sicily, I think the one(s) that made it to Italy were ultimately vanquished. One might have made it to Rome, though. I'll check my books on the Punic Wars tonight when I get home.
I don't understand why the Army of Northern Virginia is on even a top 20 list. [/B][/QUOTE]
they still won at First Manassas, Second Manassas
Fredricksburg, Chansollorsville, The Wilderness,
Spotslvania, Cold Harbor and the 7 Days.

They were the best Army in the Civil War for
at least 3 years.
Worst military blunders/worst decisions of all time:

U.S. 7th Cav under Custer

Charge of the Light Brigade

Maginot line

Lawman once bubbled...
1. Spartans at Thermopylae

In my opinion this is the winner.

"Tell the Spartans we lie here, obiedient to their word"

King Leonedas of Sparta
What helped make the Army of Northern Virginia so good was that the Army of the Potomac was so badly led. Look at Chancellorsville. If the Union had pressed the attack after flanking Lee rather than holing up in a defensive position in the Wilderness Lee never would have had the opporunity. Lee split his force twice in front of a superior Union force and got away with it because Hooker was too cautious. If Hooker had pressed the tactical advantage early on Lee would have been forced to retreat. Hooker also failed to inspect his lines on the afternoon of Jackson's strike. That flank should have been refused and breastworked if he was truly going to wait for Lee to strike.

I would not put the whole of Army of Northern Virginia on the list, however, I would put Stonewall Jackson's Corps on that list.
reserves in the afternoon he would
have overwhelmed Lee at Antietam
and won the war. But, he didn't.

If Burnside had stopped attacking
at Fredricksburg and gone around
Maryes Hights he might have won.
But, he didn't.

If Grant had gotten to Spotsylvania
Court House a little bit faster.....

The South had a population of 8,100,00
and the Union had a population of
26,200,000. The South had 1,064,000
in it's Army over the course of the war and
the Union had 2,803,300.

No, the ANV was one hell of an army and
belongs on the list.
WreckWriter once bubbled...
Worst military blunders/worst decisions of all time:

U.S. 7th Cav under Custer

Charge of the Light Brigade

Maginot line

A couple more that come to mind;

Peleliu WW-2

Desert one Iran

Not the worst but lousy decisions and management resulting needless loss of life.
zig zag by the Captain of the Indianappolis.

The German advance into Russia when it was
obvious winter was on them.

Battleship Row at Pearl Harbor [unless as
some think Roosevelt wanted it hit]

Landing on the reef at Tarawa

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