Best Land Bast Diving In Central America?

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Ok.. so I am sure everyone has their own opionion... but here goes. where can i find the best land based diving in central america?

I love pelagics & i prefer fish over coral...

Can anyone make any suggestions?
Here is a little bit about Old Providence
A small, off the beaten path, island about 100 miles off the coast of Nicaragua. Over 100 square miles of prime virgin reef surrounds the mountainous island and its dry rain forest of 6.5 square miles. Most of the diving is a 10 minute or less boat ride although the you can take a day trip to the lighthouse on the northern tip of the reef and dive. With a wide variety of diving interest, there is everything from walls to caves to crevasses to shipwrecks to tropical fish to coral formations to rays. The only think it does not have is the larger animals like whales, although I did see a king crab on one dive that was 3 to 4 feet across……I have seen a few sharks but they are not that common.
Plenty of snorkeling from the shores or kayak/snorkel in McBean reserve park. Fishing, beachcombing, Kayak, trekking, bicycling, horseback riding are the other major attractions
There are no casinos, no large resorts, no night clubs….its more like a game of dominos over a beer, mom and pop bed and breakfast style cabanas and a bon fire on the beach with local musicians.
All the restaurants serve local cuisine, all fresh from local fishermen.
There are only about 5000 people on the island and they all treat guest like family. Crime is simple non existent, the worst thing that can happen is a taxi driver will charge you $2 instead of $1 for a taxi ride.
Of coarse this type of place is not for everyone but if you love nature, no crowds, personalized service, and some of the best diving in the Caribbean
I also have and a DVD I can snail mail you if you want.
Transportation would depend on where you are coming from. What major city will you be flying out of and I can check on the prices for you? I travel Copa Air out of Miami or Orlando to Panama City to San Andres Island to Old Providence they have the cheapest flights right now. For my Sept trip I paid $550.
I think that's a hard question to answer--more variables go into travel than just the diving. In terms of large pelagics, you are not going to find Cocos Is or Galapagos Is conditions from land. The Bay Islands in Honduras have good diving--I saw a hammerhead in Utila. I personally preferred Utila over Roatan, but there were some cool coral tubes you can swim thought that popped you out at 122' in Roatan. The wall diving is great in Belize and you can stay at a resort on the atolls. From there I saw black tipped reef sharks, bull sharks and eagle rays and southern sting rays. Lots of fish. It is pricy though, but worth it. Mexico also has beautiful diving and is the place to go (Cozumel) for the drift diving. Each country is quite different too, but I have enjoyed them all.
...the best land based diving in central america? I love pelagics & i prefer fish over coral...

You mean Shore Diving right? Generally mutualy exclusive items. One rarely sees Pelagics near shore.

I did see a Whale Shark on a CCV shore dive, but that was an extreme rarity. The Bay Islands? Occasionaly you will spot a Shark, the Venus Sea Girdles, but largey it is known for its diverse soft and hard corals... little fish nurseries... macro stuff.

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