Best Diving in August?

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Minnesota, USA
# of dives
25 - 49
My boyfriend and I are looking for a great spot to dive in August. We live in Minnesota, USA and because of limited time/funds are looking for a spot in the Caribbean or Central America. We are concerned about how the rainy season may impact diving and don't want to be stuck in the hotel all week. Also, looking for a spot that has some interesting top-side distractions (hiking, ruins, good beaches, zip lines etc). Thanks for your help in advance!
August should be early enough in the season that it shouldn't be too great a risk for bad weather.

You can usually low level plane hop to do Central American ruins, not many "ruins" on the islands, accessible to the public, outside of European settlement ruins (Forts, Sugar Mills, etc.)

You can find more zip lines on Roatan than any other Caribbean destination, but in terms of beaches, I'd give it about a C-. The diving is good and you can do it cheaply.

The best hiking is likely to be found in the Antilles, from Anguila down to Tobago.

Beaches? Bonaire, Cayman, Lucaya, and a bunch of others- but the "best beaches" are not around the better diving.
Not one to go against R-Man but I think if you went to Bonaire for it's beaches you might be muttering "Son of a beach..." a lot. :eyebrow: Go for the great shore diving though and you won't have time to notice the lack of swell beaches. Same deal on weather as Roatan, not likely to be rainy in August and Bonaire is more of a desert climate anyway. We've been there in December before, during a fairly rainy period for them, and it barely affected the diving viz. No river runoff due to no rivers!

We're back on Bonaire next month and expect it to be mostly sunny. (Just got an email from there today "C'mon down, the water is warm...") I dunno though, had great diving on Roatan last August. Two solid choices for you. // ww
Oh, those beaches...Well, the northern beaches are in the Washington/Slaggbai Park and if you ever drive the road up there (well, it shows as a road on the park map...) you'll know why Bonaire is known for it's shore diving--down south. The diving is great in the park but getting there...As for being accused of diving too much while on Bonaire however, guilty,guilty,guilty.

I dunno, for "other topside attractions" that the OP mentioned, Sorbon would help them forget all about any silly zip lines...Jeez, I have been diving too much when I'm there. :eyebrow: // ww
We stayed in West Bay on Roatan and the beaches were great. Not sure why Roatan Man disagrees with that. Guess at CCV there really aren't beaches. West Bay had great diving and beautiful beaches.
We did the zipline and had a blast...
Check out lodging in West End as it seems to be a little cheaper there.
Have fun.

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