What are the top 5 diving destinations in Central and South America, in order?
Among those 5, which has the best compliment of land-based culture?
Is "#5" the best, or "#1" ?
The best diving... Do you mean:
-the most often visitesd?
-the one that "gets the most votes" at SDM ?
-the one that has the most sharks ?
-the one that has the little critters for advanced divers ?
-the best dive boats ?
-the best deals ?
-the best for newbies ?
The best land based culture... do you mean:
-the most unaffected by the USA ?
-pockets of native village (displays for tourists) ?
-the best music ?
-bars and clubs, restaurants ?
I go for diving. I will put up with almost any diving op infrastructure shortcoming. I don't need or want restaurants or bars. I have seen all the sharks, dolphins and easy to spot stuff. I come to dive.
My list may be different than yours.