best Cozumel dive operator?

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The "matrix" idea is probably the most useful, but I'm not sure how to do that here. I suppose I could set up a table using HTML and embed that if SB permits that. Alternatively, could host a Google Docs spreadsheet and provide a link.

One concern I have is finding a balance between cheerleading and objectivity, preventing self-promotion or trashing of a shop, etc.

There are some great suggestions above, though for example with permitting lionfish hunting within the park I'm concerned that this would be a bad idea to document given that it's not officially permissible and could potentially rebound on a shop negatively.

It's probably time to take this out of this thread. I'll try to string together the suggestions above and start a new thread this evening to see if we get anywhere with this.
The "matrix" idea is probably the most useful, but I'm not sure how to do that here. I suppose I could set up a table using HTML and embed that if SB permits that. Alternatively, could host a Google Docs spreadsheet and provide a link.

One concern I have is finding a balance between cheerleading and objectivity, preventing self-promotion or trashing of a shop, etc.

There are some great suggestions above, though for example with permitting lionfish hunting within the park I'm concerned that this would be a bad idea to document given that it's not officially permissible and could potentially rebound on a shop negatively.

It's probably time to take this out of this thread. I'll try to string together the suggestions above and start a new thread this evening to see if we get anywhere with this.

It's always felt to me like a database would be the most powerful way to access the data, but that would be really hard to implement on SB.

I thought the same thing about the type of data. I tried to stay away from anything that requires a judgment call or things that are subject to big change. So, trying to rate the quality and maintenance of rental equipment would require a judgment or rating, while price is something that would/could probably change at some time. On the other hand, if the op uses small boats, they'll likely be back rolling to enter, but it would still be useful to many to see the method of entry clearly stated as a stand out item.

In the following:

25) method of water entry (back roll/giant stride)
26) camera rinse bucket (y/n; small/large)...might fit under #12
27) tenure and total experience of boat crew/DM
28) number and size of engines/travelling times
29) gear pick up and delivery or do you need to get it to and from the op/boat (maybe under #16)
30) allows divers to hunt lionfish in Marine Park Y/N
31) communication...before, during and after trip
32) ascent policy
33) prices (discounts, inclusion of Marine Park fee, nitrox etc. up charges for extended ranges)
34) cancellation policies (including same day no-shows, illness etc.)

and then there are some safety related ones
35) O2 on board (and working!); nitrox & CO testers, AED on board
36) DM equipped with nautilus
37) quality/maintenance of rental gear
38) quality/maintenance of boat/life jackets
39) non slip surfaces

Nos. 25, 32 and 34 seem to be shop policy based, while 31, 37 and 38 have more to do with a judgment call about the operation. 27 and 33, though pertinent information, are subject to frequent change in the case of some shops. Can't remember the name of the southern AI with the in house, revolving DM door dive op, but how would one keep track of the tenure, etc of the personnel? Lots of us would likely say, "stay away from there, obviously, because their DMs don't have long term experience with the reefs like other ops", but that's a judgement call. A good one, maybe, but still a judgment call. Something like that I might put under "notes". Same with 36. That would be good info for the notes field, mostly because it's not wide spread.

There's a long list of good, pertinent stuff here. Last night I was thinking that maybe it would best be narrowed down to 10 or 15 items, and much of the rest would go in the notes. For instance, 14, "Range". That would be understood to be the West side for every op, but for Aldora, "has east side diving", would be a note. Same with 9 and 10. 80s are assumed, so Living Underwater would have note that says what size tanks they use. Water and Fruit could be assumed, so if the op serves a meal with guac, that would be a note. For 15, 2 tank morning is assumed for all ops, but if the op has a 3 tank option, it would go in the notes.

1. I wonder what the actual dive ops would think of this?
2. Zoho Creator is an online application that has a free option. Basically, it allows you to create a database using a pretty simple interface. The free option allows for enough records to cover the number of Coz dive ops, and there could be one user set up and the login info could be part of the sticky that addresses this subject. (1. go to X URL. 2. Use this User id and password. 3. Etc...) I think they allow up to 3 user ids. You'd have a couple that are admins, and then the "public" login.

More brainstorming....I won't add any more to the thread.
Not worried about cost.
Want first class service.
Safety First.
Topshelf first class service, cost not an issue, I would go with Scuba-Du ;)
I've been diving with Aldora since 1999. Never had a reason to go and/or try anywhere else. They have been good to me over the years. Wish some of the old guy's still worked there sometimes. The Villa is icing on the cake...
What do you want in a dive op? I need shaded boats, a beach surface interval and larger tanks. Aldora meets those requirements and will pick up at Cozumel Palace. Whether the other two large tank dive ops will pick up there is unknown. Those other two are Living Underwater and Liquid Blue.
Hardly "unknown". Living Underwater definitely picks up at the Palace, as has been reported here many times, and Liquid Blue's website says they go as far north as El Cantil, which is just north of the Palace.

Me, besides shaded boats, a beach surface interval, and larger tanks, I need a big camera tank for my big camera and I need wetsuit storage, especially when staying at the Palace where those oh-so-slippery marble floors make dripping wetsuits a major health hazard. Living Underwater provides all that and much, much more. It's "unknown" whether the other two dive ops you mention provide those extra amenities, except that I already know they don't :)
Mossman, "unknown" meant to me at that time without researching it. There is one known person (to me) for whom wetsuit care by the dive op is essential.
What makes a shop the "best" for me is small boats with shade, convenience, flexibility, divers grouped for skills level when possible, expertise/site knowledge of DM's, attention to safety, economy, and for the op to let me dive my gas and computer. I do not care where they do SIT, if they handle my gear and wetsuit, if they use 120's instead of 80's, if their boat would win a drag race with other ops' boats, or if they pick up divers at the crack of dawn.

That still gives me a lot of ops to choose from. Life is good.
As far as top notch service, and I look for valet type resort diving, I've found Liquid Blue Divers to fit.

1. Valet service
2. Main boat very nice, spacious, fast.
3. Steel HP tanks
4. Itinerary flexibility as far as dive sites
5. Awesome S.I. snacks (best by far that I've had in Coz)
6. OP Owners dive with you on most to all dives.
7. Very safety oriented (Yeah...this should be #1, not 7 ) hehe
As far as top notch service, and I look for valet type resort diving, I've found Liquid Blue Divers to fit.

1. Valet service
2. Main boat very nice, spacious, fast.
3. Steel HP tanks
4. Itinerary flexibility as far as dive sites
5. Awesome S.I. snacks (best by far that I've had in Coz)
6. OP Owners dive with you on most to all dives.
7. Very safety oriented (Yeah...this should be #1, not 7 ) hehe

And so you see (not you specifically but the general "you") there is no "best" dive op on Cozumel. You (you specifically this time) and I might very well dive with the same op (we have) and both be happy, but your ideal and mine are different in some ways. DSFDF.

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