Beneath The Sea

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Joining is quick and easy. Log in or Register now! will be there, promoting our new dive travel television show "Into the Drink." Please stop by and say hello. You can also check out the on-location dive trips we're leading this year, to Belize, Hawaii, the Philippines and Papua New Guinea.

Stayed tuned for some exciting and late breaking news and be sure to be at the Tec Party on Friday night.
We are looking forward to seeing everyone there - please be sure to come by our booth 628 at the show if you are in the market for a dive trip...we will have some fantastic specials for most of the 43 countries we represent, a show exclusive booking bonus plus some great giveaways!

We always enjoy the shows as they are a wonderful opportunity for us to meet our clients and fellow divers face to face and spend some time talking about our passion - here is to another great show!
Yup I'll be there again.

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