I can tell you that im(sic) not a dive op or a champion and I thought amigos was less than average.
Yes, I did read your post (it was appreciated) and it was given due weight. I can assure you that your comments were not ignored; in fact they were quoted to the agent when I booked. Both they (through me) and I will be watching. I was asked to pay particular attention, and report my findings back to the agent for their action (should the operator be found to be wanting) and/or commendation (should the operator do well).
.On the refund issue I doubt you would get a refund unless the dive shop says they screwed up wich (sic) wont happen.
That might be your impression (and again an assumption), but considering the signed agreement I have with the agent (which is confidential so I will not be disclosing it), I am not concerned about this particular aspect of the trip.
Thanks for your input, and for your previous post; they are both appreciated.
Especuially (sic) at this time of little work/money, if you venture into Belize City with an expensive camera you are more than likely to lose it, even in broad daylight in busy populated areas.
As regards Belize as a whole, I recommend to you the Astrum Helicopters' tour of Belize early in your trip. You can see an example of the tour as a video on their website.
Please don't be surprised that people who actually live in a place and have business dealings with each other are not open in their criticisms of others. In a place like this you'll read fulsome praise but you'll rarely see open and documented criticism. That's where you have to be a little more subtle and perceptive in interpreting what you are told. New York "tell it like it is" doesn't apply here.
Thanks for pointing out the air tour, I was about to ask about those.
As far as the street photography is concerned, from what has been said here, (through PM and publicly) and from what I've read in other places, it’s a wash. The risk is not worth the reward; even if I could have freelanced some shots to offset the expense of the trip. It is simply not worth the risk my gear or my neck (yeah folks often say I need to rethink my priorities ) to get some shots while I'm supposed to be on vacation.
As to the whole PC comment, I DO get the tone (even appreciate it somewhat), and have read most of the history behind it (at least what's been aired here). I am, above all things, a writer, photographer and journalist. I follow the disciplines of proper sourcing (always have three verifications) when pursuing a story.
For the record, I have my own personal questions about the two operators in question. How could I not considering what’s been said. (Hence the very heavy handed agency agreement I have in place). But this I will tell you, I will be trying to do at least one dive with Aqua Dives (if they have room for me), and if time permits, Ecologic as well. I have both personal and professional reasons for doing so.
Hopefully those little samplings will give me enough to make up my own mind...after all I plan on at least one more trip to Belize...perhaps even a few more.
Again thanks all for your advice.
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