Being Forced to Buy Equipment AT LDS for Class

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I just got off the phone with the owner of a LDS. I am an online training student and he said if I sign up for classes I have to buy my mask, fins, snorkel from him for class. I understand the concern about everything fitting, but my cousin works for dive shop on the other side of the state and I got my gear through her. I just couldnt take classes with her because I am pretty busy and didnt want to drive to the other side of the state for classes...Is it right for a LDS owner to do that if someone already has equipment? I can't help but think thats kind of shady...I mean I'd buy my computer and regs from him if he is reasonably priced, and I understand throwing business to the LDS, but this seems kinda extreme.
Since it is his business he does have every right to find ways to discourage customers for coming to his shop :wink:
I'd find a different place to take your classes. You only have to have that gear. There's nothing at all that says you have to buy it from one place or another.

Tell him you already have the gear. If he says you can't take classes there, screw em.
I am all for "support your Local Dive Center" and the owner is not getting rich off the lessons, so hopefully you understand the gear sales make up for cheap classes, so if he is in the ballpark pricewise I would give him the sale, because if you plan to do alot of diving you need a good working relationship with yourLDS...OTOH if his prices are way out of line, or his customer service is what it sounds like then go someplace else... he cant require you to buy anything from him, and if the purchase is a condition of acceptance into his classes you might want to call another dive shop if you have one, because this might not be a good fit for you.
I know of a LDS in the Richmond area that will not teach you OW if you have equipment bought from elsewhere. We've had several customers come by and state that (deleted) wouldn't teach them how to dive because they already have their own equipment not purchased from them. More power to 'em (that dive shop, that is)! We'll teach the students...and make good customers of them them in the process.
His choice to mandate stupid things....your choice to tell him that you are switching to someone with the ability to run a business properly. Go to another shop and never give that shop any of your money.
That's an act that has been going on for decades. A dive store owner in this county has a wall of gear that his students must buy. He calls it his "money wall".

You could say that you want to certify quickly, and may spend tons of money at his place, afterwards. You aren't really obligated, and that would take his bad deal off the table.

The top instructor in Orlando lends the students all gear, free. They can buy while they certify, after they complete the class, or not at all. The resulting goodwill is more profitable than a gear sale to start the class.

Have fun with diving, and good luck with it all.
Most places will say you require your own gear with the assumption most people will buy it from them, but a few seem to think they can require it.

Do you have other options around? This certainly doesn't sound like a dive shop I'd like to have a relationship with. If you don't have other options, is there another piece of gear you wouldn't mind buying ahead of time that may be more useful they may agree to? Because surely there has to be a solution that makes you both happy that works better than you buying a second set of gear you don't need.
You could take a cheap flight to Orlando, and train and dive here! It takes three full days.

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