beginner wreck dive long island

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long island
Having never dove a wreck off the island I am trying to find an easy one. Not to deep under 80', with good vis. Does that exist here. I was told the Iberia is all broken up and the silty bottom once stirred can make the dive horrible. Also what dive boats do you reccomend? Looking for anything in the Long Island vicinity.
Having never dove a wreck off the island I am trying to find an easy one. Not to deep under 80', with good vis. Does that exist here. I was told the Iberia is all broken up and the silty bottom once stirred can make the dive horrible. Also what dive boats do you reccomend? Looking for anything in the Long Island vicinity.

besides whats listed in the previous post.. the san diego usually has good viz and the shallowest point is about 60fsw..

The eagles's nest will require a log book, and since you havent done local dives you may need to get a buddy that has local experience.. call howard up and explain the situation and ask his recommendations..

my personal favorite is the wreck valley
Based on your profile, I would suggest get AOW from local instructor. You might want to get involved w/ a dive club where u can meet other divers.
One such club, "The Dive Club" meets on first Tuesday of the month, (this coming tuesday 8/2) at Molly Melones in Bayshore.

You will meet divers just out of OW class to divers just back from the Doria.
Oh yes as for visabiliy and wrecks, it all depends on the conditions. Iberia (abt 60ft) have seen vis from 50 ft to less than 5 ft. Pipe Barge similar depth, same.
San Diego, was abt 10 ft just yesterday down in the sand (abt 100 ft), and abt 15 or 20 up on top (abt 75 ft now)
just came back from a sunday dive with captn howard of the eagles nest... he is great, his crew is helpful yet not intrusive, and they run a first class opperation. definatly give him a call. We dove the cable barge about 100yds from the pipe barge, tons to see, viz about 15ft. a good beginer wreck dive, at least for me.
has anyone gone with the dive boat karen? Any comments on them? I was interested in going on a dive with them as they have a lot more shallow dives.

Anyone been to the artificial reefs? particularly the atlantic beach reef? And anyone know who goes out to the redbirds? I took those all the time for school.
I was on the Karen this past Sunday. I got seasick after the second dive, but I had a great time anyway. Capt and crew were real cool. They were cooking free hotdogs at the back of the boat. Don't know how good they were as I was feeding the fish. :) We were going to go to the Mistletoe but there was a fishing boat there. We wound up doing the Warrior. You will have a good time if you go on the Karen. I'm sure of it.
I was on the Karen this past Sunday. I got seasick after the second dive, but I had a great time anyway. Capt and crew were real cool. They were cooking free hotdogs at the back of the boat. Don't know how good they were as I was feeding the fish. :) We were going to go to the Mistletoe but there was a fishing boat there. We wound up doing the Warrior. You will have a good time if you go on the Karen. I'm sure of it.

I too was on the Karen this past Sunday, and I too got seasick after the second dive, even though I took Bonine. The Cap't was great as was the crew. The vis was 10-15ft. I think the problem with getting sick was wearing that thick wetsuit and being hot, I got sick once then I was fine. You don't need a hood, but without one the water will get own your back and that could be cold. My head and face were fine but my body was a little chilly when the water flushed down my back. With the hood on that didn't happen, but then you get hot so you really cant win.

Anyway I took some good pics and would post them on here if I knew how.
Would dive with them again in a heartbeat.

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