Today was totally challenging and stressful. Hopefully next weekend is better. I was beat. 4.5 hours total underwater this weekend and I had a hard time getting my brain 100% into it.
Two local guys were tagging along. One rebreather, one not. After seeing the horrid first dive I had this morning, the open circuit guy thought he would be Mr Funny. Asked me how much I wanted for my rebreather. Said he didn’t want to wait for months like I had. I could have hit the prick. I told him to his face to eff off multiple times. He said it was just a joke but after the difficult dives today, I was not in the mood to joke about this.
You got this! At least you didn’t have to bail out 30 seconds into your first dive like me! Although you are up one flood on me

Have you had the “a ha” moment? Where you are neutral, PPO2 is good, loop volume is good, and you just get that all is quiet and good sensation ? I think it was dives 5 & 6 where I started getting small glimpses at it.