There are some interesting things about teaching scuba locally that you will find out, eventually.
If you have great people skills, you will become a great teacher. Teaching people to scuba is all about being sensitive to their moods and reactions. Some students take more patience than others. If you have a lot of patience, then you will be a good teacher. There is also a lot of value to being able to make the classes fun. If you can keep a sense of humor going, then students will like you.
Some students will require extra patience because of their attitudes. Often they think that since they plopped down their fee, they deserve to run your class for you. You may find these types to be particularly infuriating and unappreciative of anything that you do. Watch out, and do not be surprised, because they are out there.
Other students will take to the water and to the scuba naturally and be a pleasure to instruct. Those are the kind of students that you live for. They make it all fun for you as the instructor.
If you can find a good local scuba store, one with good walk-in business that needs instructors, you will then have lots of teaching opportunities. Beware of stores that advertise their instructor courses but that do not do enough teaching to give you a class or two every couple of months.
Once you get an open water class, it will be up to you to promote them through advanced open water, CPR & first aid, rescue, nitrox, and so on. You have to become a good instructor to keep the students coming back for more instruction. A lot will depend on the store you select.
Besides scuba stores, there are YMCAs that also have scuba programs. Look into these opportunities as well. However, YMCAs will not give you international opportunities, like SSI or PADI would.
Don't get discouraged when you make mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes, that is how we each learn. Try hard to be safety minded, and no one should get hurt. Most of the mistakes you will make are probably related more to people skills than anything else.
There is no difference between a good female instructor and a good male instructor. Professionalism, humor, and making the classes fun while being safety minded is what counts.
Good luck.