Beach Dive Datura St. 7/31

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I agree, with Dennis. It was a good day for diving, and good friends to dive with. Yes, the swim out to the drop off was long, however it was far from boring as the bottom structure changed every couple hundred feet or so.
We met up at Datura, meeting Manny from Edivers (new to SB maybe?), Joe, Dennis, Marvel and I. Then ventured off to Mulligans for a leisurly breakfast waiting for others to possibly show. A very short lesson in fish ID was part of the converstation, along with talk about the upcoming Reef ID class. Then it was off to Datura to gear up. Lisa another from edivers (trying to get her screen name issues worked out here) had called while we were at breakfast and told us go on without her, but by the time we hit the water, she was doing a great job of catch up and was able to join after all! So, we swam out past the pier, dropped down and headed east. Saw a small nurse shark, and all the regular critters, and even a flamingo tongue. Despite the calm seas, there was a nice little current coming from the south, so when we got to the drop off we headed south. All the usual suspects were there, spotfin butterfly fish, saddled blennies, french grunts, porkfish, a "teenanger" french angel (not a juv., not an adult), a couple harliquen bass, and even a small barred hamlet were found.
We turned the dive, and headed back in. Manny and I ended up hanging back and coming in a bit later., both of us getting a bit low on air and a surface swim was in order. After talking to Marvel, we agreed that she beat me on air consumption by a couple hundred pounds. Good job Marvel!
Marvel and I both had flags which were destined to stay together no matter how much we tried to keep them seperate, even seperating them 3 times!
Dennis had lent me his wings set up, and without any adjustments, I tried it out. I think I would like it better if I had adjusted it and made sure it fit more snug. The tank seemed to roll a bit, and I had trouble dumping air. (Later Dennis told me the butt dump works better than the shoulder dump.) I did like the freedom of it in the front and all the D rings to attach stuff. Would I run out and buy one? Probably not, but definately worth considering.
Sounds fun! Great trip report and photos!

Sorry I missed you guys,
It was a great dive! I got some exercise (not fun for lazy people like me) by going in the water at my house a block south & kicking NE past the buoy at Datura to meet up with everyone.

Jenny, consumate divemaster that she is, lead us straight out to the ledges- no fooling around on the first, or even over the 2nd, for us! She was on a mission. I havent' been out there since last summer & had forgotten just how beautiful that it is out there- Thanks for reminding me, Jenn! As to the air consumption thing- I was just bustin' on you girlfriend- you are still the goddess of S Florida air comsumption! :god:

And yes, Grier, you should have been there, you slacker! :wink:
Grier was not just a slacker, he was an ignoring slacker, especially after all the messages I left him... (Just busting your chops bud)

My dive instructor called me Friday night to tell me he needed help with an OW class, so I put on my DMC hat and went on with the class (have to practice those solo diving, class sitting skills :D). And, since the dive was at Pompano (MUCH shorter surface swim), I just couldn't say no.

At any rate, nice report Jenn...congrats Marvel!!!
Sounds like you guys had another great dive. Unfortunately, I woke up Sat morning but Chris was so exhausted from having his frat brothers in town, I didn't have the heart to wake him up that early. So, he slept in and I went to an art class. Sorry I missed it! Rick, glad to see you're not letting your DM skills get rusty b/f that BIG day in Cayman! I am still keeping you and GRier in my thoughts. If you guys want to get together b/f the big day, let me know...
Actually, I was embarrassed to enter the ocean after missing bugs on two occasions during the mini-season. I was afraid that they would recognize me for the inept bug hunter that I am and hold me up to lobster ridicule. I didn't want that to happen in front of you guys. The humiliation would have been too great to bear.

That, and I've had a cold since Friday.

I'm still very up for getting together to see Open Water when it opens. I want to get a copy of the poster - looks like a boat dive or two that I've been on.

See you guys soon,
Sounds like you guys had another great dive. Unfortunately, I woke up Sat morning but Chris was so exhausted from having his frat brothers in town, I didn't have the heart to wake him up that early. So, he slept in and I went to an art class. Sorry I missed it! Rick, glad to see you're not letting your DM skills get rusty b/f that BIG day in Cayman! I am still keeping you and GRier in my thoughts. If you guys want to get together b/f the big day, let me know...
Well, I don't know what those frat brothers get togethers can be like.......... :D but I can imagine :)D) they can be exausting.

About the other, I'll definitely let you know!!
Well, it's not like it was THAT crazy, but you know how boys can be when they're all together! It's always tiring to have company. We were both exhausted really!
Sorry I missed the fun up there. I was much further south diving and the vis was probably better up north. Looking forward to meeting and diving with everybody this coming weekend. Can't wait to put faces with names.

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