BC's Weekly Dive 8/30

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200 - 499
Everyone is invited to join us for our weekly dives. This week we will be diving at
Cardiac Hill (PV)

Place: Cardiac Hill (pv)
Time: 8 am
Directions: It is at Point Vicente Fisherman's Point parking. This site is just south of The Point Vicente Lighthouse, just north of Marineland, in Palos Verdes, CA.
http://maps.yahoo.com/;_ylc=X3oDMT...93&zoom=19&q1=Point Vicente, Palos Verdes, ca

Please RSVP on the calander, if you plan to attend.

Thanks, Erika

Safety Note:

The Beach Crabs are a dive scheduling group. We schedule dives. Each diver is responsible for making sure they have planned their individual dives, are experienced enough to do the dives, and have talked with and feel comfortable with a dive buddy. These dives are scheduled for your enjoyment. Scubaboard, The Beach Crabs, and the participants, of these dives, are not responsible for you, your equipment, for your dive planning, determining your qualifications for these dives, or teaming you with an experienced buddy. You alone are solely responsible for your diving activities! Make sure you dive in a safe and responsible manner. By participating in The Beach Crabs events, you agree to these terms.
Im also there if i can find a ride :D
A bum ankle on Cardiac Hill, sounds like a mixture for trouble.

Only 3 people signed up??? Nobody else?

I'm working dayshift this weekend :(. Plus me and Aly are doing Catalina boat dive on Friday. Hope you guys have a blast Fo Sho!!:wink:
Im going more then likely go :)
Im going more then likely go :)

So, who's done this one before? Judith and I are thinking about joining you guys, but I guess I have some logistic concerns. I drove up there after work yesterday to see this hill for myself. It's not horrible, certainly not as a hike, but with a steel 95 tank and 28lbs of lead wearing a wetsuit?! Do you usually completely gear up in the parking lot and hike down ready to jump in the water, or do you partially gear up and make final preparations after you gone down the trail? It seems to me at the very least you'd want to wear better shoes for the hike than your dive boots. And where do you usually enter the water, right there by the end of the trail or further west up the beach, at those rocks?
I think I want to do this one, but I want to make sure I'm prepared, both mentally and logistically! Someone give me a pep-talk! :D
Hehe Well im not going to make this one. Im going to try and rally some people up this way to dive malibu. As for you asking those questions. I usualy Gear up all but hood and Gloves at the car Slap on my Al63 and 20lbs and Would hike down the trail. Im sure you can do it partialy geared up and then finish at the bottom. Its all personal Prefrence.

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