BC's Weekly Dive 8/17

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So...... How was the dive???? Board been quite for a few days.
Two nice dives, maybe 15 or so viz. Saw some spanish shawl, garibaldi, sheephead, lobster, kelp bass, etc. We did a lot of swimming on dive two and made it out to the reef at around 50 fsw. Thanks guys, good seeing some new faces as well others again. Thanks again Rick as always for setting this up. No pics today.
Thanks everyone for coming out to the dive today. Although I only did one, it was a good one! Seen a Lingcod, sheephead, a couple juvi garibaldis, and yes, I did see some octopi:D

Thanks for the great conversations after the dive, and it was nice to meet so many newcomers, as well as, some I haven't seen in awhile. And hey, even Rex was at a Beach Dive, instead of on a boat trip:wink:

And hey, even Rex was at a Beach Dive, instead of on a boat trip:wink:

Those were two good beach dives today, I may have to try beach diving more often. The price sure is better than boat diving!
the dives were a lot of fun, thanks for organizing them. I think everyone had a good time, and lunch afterwards was great :D

Judith and I had a great time with you guys! And it was great to meeting all of you. Thanks to Erika (even though you weren't there!) and Rick and anyone else involved for putting Beach Crabs together. What a great resource. Oh, and thanks also to Jamie for taking us way the hell out there!

We'll be seeing you soon!
Judith and I had a great time with you guys! And it was great to meeting all of you. Thanks to Erika (even though you weren't there!) and Rick and anyone else involved for putting Beach Crabs together. What a great resource. Oh, and thanks also to Jamie for taking us way the hell out there!

We'll be seeing you soon!

Hey Andy, nice to have met you and Judith.Glad that you guys enjoyed yourselves,and glad that I found the reefs way the hell out there,too! Hope you guys can join us again in the future for some more dives.Take care.Jamie
Judith and I had a great time with you guys! And it was great to meeting all of you. Thanks to Erika (even though you weren't there!) and Rick and anyone else involved for putting Beach Crabs together. What a great resource. Oh, and thanks also to Jamie for taking us way the hell out there!

We'll be seeing you soon!

The big thanks goes to Rick not really me. Im just helping him out by posting the events that he plans :D Glad you liked the dive. Hope to dive with you soon.

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