bc bladder cleaning

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Reaction score
Southern Maine
# of dives
200 - 499
First of all, I am good about flushing my bc bladder after every dive. Today, since the weather is a mess and I'm really bored, I decided to go through my equipment and give my bc a little better cleaning than normal.
Ususally I flush it with fresh water and once in awhile I'll mix a little dish soap in.
I know they make commercial cleaners/conditioners, but somewhere I was thinking that vinegar was used to break down the salt, etc.
Any suggestions on what to use internally?
Thanks, Bob
I commend you for rinsing after every dive! That should be adequate for removing the saltwater or minerals inside the bladder. I've started to add a few ounces of diluted mouthwash to my bc and then let it dry out completely before storing.
I've started to add a few ounces of diluted mouthwash to my bc and then let it dry out completely before storing.

For what purpose?
Listerine has lots of uses. Kills any bacteria that may be lurking in there. Helpful in removing wetsuit stink as well.
Mouthwash can be an effective bactericide.

Not in any meaningful way if it's diluted...

(Listerine used to be a client of mine.)
Buy McNett BC cleaner. I will work and it won't damage the BC. I don't know if the alcohol in listerine will do any damage but I agree that if you dilute the listerine it will lose its antibacterial properties.
Drain the water in your BCD
inflate and add fresh water, rinse and drain
repeat for 3 cycles total

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