I've been toying with the idea of building an in-home fill station with a couple of bank bottles so I don't have to run a compressor late at night annoying the neighbors. Been weighing the pros and cons of that, vs filling directly. A topic for another time.
I found a Capitano for sale for $2750 - I believe its continuous duty so it should be able to handle bank bottles or just a lot of HP steel tanks. Eventually I'd probably want to mix Nitrox (yes, I know, read oxygen hacker's companion as a starting point before playing with pure O2).
Bauer Capitano 6cfm, Auto purge timer. 2 fill whips. 314hrs, 5000 psi max.
Is this a good deal? Great deal? "meh" deal?
I found a Capitano for sale for $2750 - I believe its continuous duty so it should be able to handle bank bottles or just a lot of HP steel tanks. Eventually I'd probably want to mix Nitrox (yes, I know, read oxygen hacker's companion as a starting point before playing with pure O2).
Bauer Capitano 6cfm, Auto purge timer. 2 fill whips. 314hrs, 5000 psi max.
Is this a good deal? Great deal? "meh" deal?