Basic gear from the mid-twentieth-century Federal Republic of Germany

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The second Barakuda diving mask for review today is the "Modell 53", which also appeared in the firm's 1953 catalogue:
Barakuda 1953 - 3.jpg

German: "Barakuda-Einglas-Tauchmaske. Modell 53. Diese Tauchmaske besitzt einen aufgewölbten Dichtrand, der ihr einen weichen angenehmen Sitz verleiht. Die splittersichere Klarsichtscheibe ist besonders groß gearbeitet und bietet ein ausgezeichnetes Blickfeld. Um auch bei ihrer Größe eine gute Dichtung zu gewährleisten, ist die Maske mit einem zweiten Kopfband versehen. — Sie wird in leuchtend Blau geliefert. Preis:"
Rough translation: "Barakuda Model 53 single-lens diving mask. This diving mask has a flanged sealing edge providing a soft and comfortable fit. The splinterproof lens is particularly large, offering an excellent field of vision. To ensure a good seal notwithstanding how large it is, the mask is supplied with a second head strap. Available in bright blue. Price:"

Here is the "Modell 53" entry in Barakuda's 1954 catalogue:
BARAKUDA 1954 - 5-6.jpg
German: "Tauchmaske „53“. Diese Maske ist durch den aufgewölbten Dichtrand, ein zusätzliches Kopfband und aufgrund ihres besonders großen Blickfeldes zu einem ausgesprochenen Spitzenerzeugnis geworden. Ausführung : leuchtend blau. Preis m. Klarglas - 8,85 m. Gelbfilterglas 10,20. Auch mit Gelbfilterglas."

Rough translation: "'53' diving mask. This mask has become a reall top product thanks to its extra head strap, its flanged sealing edge and its particularly large field of vision. Version: bright blue. Price with clear glass: 8,85, with yellow filter glass 10,20. Also available with yellow filter glass."

The "53" was Barakuda's enhanced-feature model back in the early 1950s. Note the top screw securing the alloy band around the lens. What makes this particular mask so distinctive and perhaps unique is the extra head strap, which is normally confined to bulkier masks with integral snorkels. In 1954, the "53" changed its name to "Elba" and it remained in the Barakuda range of masks until 1973 at least. But how long did the extra strap survive? Wait and see!
...I find it curious that just one diving equipment manufacturer came up with the idea of a specialist swimming fin for lower-limb amputees in the 1950s[..] Insights, anybody?
Hans-Joachim Bergann and Kurt Ristau, the founders of Barakuda, both were frogman during WWII. Also, for a certain time, Barakuda did have a monopoly for dive gear in Germany.
Third and last to be reviewed today is the Barakuda "Junior" diving mask, which appeared in the company's 1953, 1954 and 1959 catalogues.
Barakuda 1953 - 2.jpg

German: "Barakuda-Einglas-Tauchmaske. Modell „Junior“. Dieses Modell ist eine billige, aber gut sitzende, formschöne und mit Sicherheitsglas versehene Tauchmaske für Kinder von 7 bis 12 Jahren. Sie weist im verkleinerten Maßstab alle guten Eigenschaften des Modells 53 auf. — Die Tauchmaske wird in verschiedenen leuchtenden Farben geliefert. Preis:"

Rough translation: "Barakuda single-lens diving mask. "Junior" model. This model is an inexpensive but well-fitting, handsome diving mask fitted with a safety glass lens and designed for children between the ages of 7 and 12. It comes with all the good features of the "53" model on a reduced scale. - The diving mask is available in a variety of bright colors. Price:"

The "Junior" entry in the 1954 catalogue:
BARAKUDA 1954 - 5-6.jpg

German: "Junior - Maske für Kinder bis zu 12 Jahren. Ausführung : leuchtend blau. Preis: mit Klarglas 5,85.- mit Gelbfilterglas 6,70. Auch mit Gelbfilterglas."

Rough translation: "Junior mask for children up to the age of 12. Design: bright blue. Price: with clear glass 5.85, with yellow filter glass 6.70. Also available with yellow filter glass."

And here is the 1959 catalogue entry. The mask was conspicuous by its absence from the intervening years' catalogues:
German: "„JUNIOR“, barakudablau. Weiche, der Kindergesichtsform angepaßte Manschette aus hochwertiger Kautschukmischung, ovales Gesichtsfeld, verstellbares Nackenband, BUZ*-Scheibe — die Maske für kleinste Flossenschwimmer und Taucher im Alter von 5 bis 8 Jahren. Preis: DM 2,85."
[* BUZ (Barakuda-UnZerbrechlich) [Scheiben] bestehen aus glasklarem, absolut splittersicherem Kunststoff. Sie sind deshalb besonders für Kinder- und Jugendlichen-Masken und zur Benutzung in Badeanstalten geeignet. Diese Scheiben tragen als Güte- und Erkennungszeichen für den Bademeister das Markenwort „BUZ“.]

Rough translation: "'JUNIOR', Barakuda blue. Soft skirt adapted to a child's face size and shape and made from a high-quality rubber compound. Oval field of vision, adjustable neck strap, BUZ* lens. The mask for the smallest finswimmers and divers aged from 5 to 8. Price: DM 2.85."
[* BUZ ("Barakuda-Shatterproof") [lenses] are made from crystal-clear, absolutely shatter-proof plastic. So they are particularly suitable for child and teenage masks and for use in public baths. These lenses carry the brand name "BUZ" as a mark of quality and identification for lifeguards.]

So imagine the Barakuda Junior as the firm's "53" mask "writ small" for 7- to 12-year-olds. That's it for today. More models in the Barakuda range of diving masks next time.
Several days ago, we reviewed three early models in the Barakuda range of diving masks, modestly named "52", "53" and "Junior". In 1955, these masks were renamed "Ponza", "Elba" and "Capri" respectively. All three remained in Barakuda's catalogues until 1973 at least, meaning that they stayed in production for two whole decades, quite a manufacturing run for a trio of diving masks. Let's focus today on the "Ponza" model, which was known before 1955 as the "52" (below)

Here is the "Ponza" entry in the 1955 catalogue:
German: "Modell „Ponza“. Dieses Modell hat sich seit Jahren bewährt. Es weist eine ovale Sichtscheibe, die durch einen Spannrahmen aus seewasserbeständiger Leichtmetall-Legierung gehalten wird, auf. Ausführung: Barakudablau. Preis mit Sigla-Klarsichtscheibe DM 6.85. Preis mit Sigla-Gelbfilterscheibe DM 8.85."

Rough translation:
"Ponza model. Model "Ponza". This model has been tried and tested for years. It has an oval lens, which is retained by a seawater-resistant light alloy clamp. Finish: Barakuda blue. Price with Sigla brand transparent glass lens DM 6.85. Price with Sigla brand yellow filter glass lens disc DM 8.85."

Note that the 1955 catalogue makes no reference to this mask's previous name "52", although the product image is identical to the one used to illustrate the "52" a year earlier. "Sigla" brand glass was a shatterproof type of glass also used in car windscreens. The catalogue suggested that "Sigla" brand yellow filter glass combined the properties of superior safety and vision, hence the higher price.

The following year, an almost identical caption appeared to the image:
The only change related to the material used for the oval lens. The transparent version was made from "BUZ" glass; "BUZ" stood for "Barakuda UnZerbrechlich" in German, meaning "Barakuda shatterproof" and denoting a clear plastic that was suitable for child and youth masks and form use in public swimming pools, where broken glass would necessitate closing and draining the facility in the interests of safety. A "BUZ" imprint on a mask lens was designed to certify that the mask's complied with public pool safety regulations.
During the following two years, the Ponza entry was tweaked rather than reformed. 1957 version below:
Note the removal of the dearer yellow filter glass option and the common pricing of the transparent "Sigla" glass and "BUZ" plastic options. No change for 1958, but 1959 brought a change of image and caption:

German: "„PONZA“, barakudablau, oval. Seit Jahren bewährtes, auf jeder Gesichtsform gut dichtendes Modell; mit Leichtmetallsprengrahmen und verstellbarem Kopfband. Preis: kompl. mit BUZ-Scheibe DM 7,85; kompl. mit Sigla/klar-Scheibe DM 7,85".
Rough translation: "'PONZA', barakuda blue, oval. Model tried and tested for years, sealing well on every size and shape of face and featuring a light alloy clamp and an adjustable head strap. Price: complete with BUZ lens DM 7.85; complete with Sigla / clear lens DM 7,85".

So a shift in emphasis to the human factors of fit and adjustability.
The final amendment to the presentation of the Barakuda Ponza occurred in 1962:

German: "PONZA barakudablau. Seit Jahren bewährtes, auf jeder Gesichtsform gut dichtendes Modell, mit Leichtmetallsprengrahmen und verstellbarem Kopfband. In der Ausführungsform ähnlich einem bei der französichen Marine benutzten Modell. Nr. 108 BUZ DM 4,85. Nr. 110 Sigla DM 5,85."
Rough translation: "PONZA barakuda blue. Model tried and tested for years, sealing well on every size and shape of face and featuring light alloy clamp and adjustable head strap. Similar design to a model used in the French Navy. No. 108 BUZ DM 4.85. No. 110 Sigla DM 5.85.

Note the price reduction and the comparison with a mask deployed in the French Navy, where combat swimmers would have preferred traditional designs. The following decade from 1963 to 1973 brought little change to the Ponza. Here is the Ponza in 1973 among all the other Barakuda masks in the range:

The Ponza is No. 11 mask in the page above. The price is now higher and spare parts, namely lenses, clamps and straps, can now be bought separately.

That's it for the moment. I'll be back with details of the Barakuda Elba mask in a few days' time.

As explained earlier in this thread, the Barakuda "53" diving mask (above) was renamed the Barakuda Elba mask in 1955:

"Modell „Elba“. Die Tauchmaske „Elba“ ist diurch ihre besondere Formgebung zu einem ausgesprochenen Spitzenerzeugnis geworden. Sie weist ein ovales, besonders großes Blickfeld auf. Die Scheibe wird durch einen Leichtmetallsprengring gesichert. Der ausgewölbte Dichtrand, sowie ein zusätzliches Kopfband verleihen ihr einen hervorragend abdichtenden und angenehmen Sitz auf jeder Gesichtsform. Ausführung: Barakudablau. Preis mit Sigla-Klarsichtscheibe DM 8,85. Preis mit Sigla-Gelbfilterscheibe DM 10,20."

Rough translation: "Elba" model. The special styling of the "Elba" has really turned this diving mask into a top product. It offers an oval and a particularly large field of vision. The lens is secured by a light metal snap ring. The flanged sealing edge and the additional head strap both make for an excellent seal and a comfortable fit on every size and shape of face. Design: Barakuda blue. Price with clear Sigla lens: DM 8,85. Price with yellow filter Sigla lens: DM 10,20.

"Sigla" brand glass was a shatterproof type of glass also used in car windscreens. The catalogue suggested that "Sigla" brand yellow filter glass combined the properties of superior safety and vision, hence the higher price.

The following year, 1956, an almost identical caption appeared to the image:
The only change related to the material used for the oval lens. The transparent version was made from "BUZ" glass; "BUZ" stood for "Barakuda UnZerbrechlich" in German, meaning "Barakuda shatterproof" and denoting a clear plastic that was suitable for child and youth masks and form use in public swimming pools, where broken glass would necessitate closing and draining the facility in the interests of safety. A "BUZ" imprint on a mask lens was designed to certify that the mask's complied with public pool safety regulations.

The next two years brought no other fundamental changes to this mask, which continued to be fitted with its distinctive vertical and horizontal head straps.
New "Elba 95" versions of the "Elba" diving mask were introduced by the 1959 Barakuda catalogue:

German: "„ELBA 59“, barakudablau, oval. Großes Blickfeld, doppelt gebördelter Sprengrahmen, breites geteiltes Nackenband. Manschette aus hochwertiger Kautschukmischung mit aufgewölbten Gesichtsrändern. Auf fast jede Gesichtsform passend, absolut wasserdicht. Das Kopfband ist verstellbar mit Patentklappschnalle. Eine Maske für den anspruchsvollen Tauchsportler. Der Gelbfilter verstärkt die Kontraste und macht dadurch die Unterwasser-Szenerie
besser sichtbar. Preis: kompl. mit BUZ-Scheibe: DM 8,85. kompl. mit Sigla-Scheibe: DM 8,85. kompl. mit Gelbfilterscheibe DM 9,85. Mod. „ELBA 59 — LUXUS“ Ausführung wie oben, jedoch in elfenbein; mit goldeloxiertem Sprengrahmen, Preis: kompl. mit Sigla-Scheibe: DM 9,85. kompl. mit Gelbfilterscheibe: DM 10,85."

Rough translation: ""ELBA 59", Barakuda blue, oval. Large field of vision, double-bordered snap-on rim, wide split head strap. Cuff made of high-quality rubber compound with flanged facial edges. Fits almost every size and shape of face, absolutely watertight. The head strap is adjustable with a patented lever buckle. A mask for the discerning diver. The yellow filter enhances the contrasts, thereby making the underwater scenery more visible. Price: complete with BUZ lens: DM 8.85. complete with Sigla lens: DM 8,85. complete with yellow filter lens DM 9,85. "ELBA 59 - LUXURY" model. Version as above, but in ivory; with gold anodised snap-on rim, price: complete with Sigla disc: DM 9.85. complete with yellow filter lens: DM 10.85.

So a single split strap replaced the strap harness and an ivory-coloured luxury model with a gold-anodised rim appeared with the arrival of the Elba 59 model.
In the 1962 Barakuda catalogue, each variety of Elba mask came with its own picture and caption:

German: "ELBA barakudablau * *. Großes Blickfeld, doppelt gebördelter Sprengrahmen, breites geteiltes Nackenband. Aufgewölbte Gesichtsränder, auf fast jede Gesichtsform passend. Kopfband mit Patentklappschnalle verstellbar. Nr. 112 BUZ DM 7,85. Nr. 113 Sigla DM 8,85. Nr. 116 Sigla-Gelbfilter DM 9,85."
Rough translation: "ELBA barakuda blue * *. Large field of vision, double-bordered snap-on rim, wide split head strap. Flanged facial edgs, suitable for almost any size or shape of face. Head strap adjustable with patented lever buckle. No. 112 BUZ DM 7.85. No. 113 Sigla DM 8.85. No. 116 Sigla yellow filter DM 9.85.


German: "ELBA-LUXUS elfenbein * mit goldeloxiertem Sprengrahmen. Eine Tauchmaske, die die Vorzüge des seit Jahren bewährten Modells „Elba” verbindet mit einem geschmackvollen eleganten Äuheren, von welchem sich besonders Damen angesprochen fühlen. Nr. 117 Sigla-Klar DM 9,85. Nr. 118 Sigla-Gelbfilter DM 10,85."
Rough translation: "ELBA-LUXURY ivory * with gold anodised snap-on rim. A diving mask combining the advantages of the tried-and-tested "Elba" model with a tasteful, elegant exterior, which especially appeals to ladies. No. 117 Sigla transparent DM 9.85. No. 118 Sigla Yellow Filter DM 10.85."


German: "ELBA-SPEIGAT** Dieses Modell verfügt über ein Stufentellerventil mit Schutzhaube, das am unteren Rand der Sichtscheibe sitzt, ohne das Gesichtsfeld zu beeinträchtigen.Mit diesem neuartigen Ventil ist es möglich, in die Maske eingedrungenes Wasser mühelos wieder hinauszublasen.Nr. 119 BUZ-Scheibe DM 8,85."
Rough translation: "ELBA-PURGE ** This model features a purge valve with protective cover that sits at the bottom of the lens without affecting the field of vision. This innovative valve enables water to be easily snorted out when it has entered the mask. 119 BUZ lens DM 8.85.

Not much to add to these descriptions, except to say that there's an old-world charm in the luxury-model caption suggesting that the tasteful elegance of the design will appeal especially to lady divers.:)

The Elba continued to be offered until 1973:

Note how the only version available is the luxury model and that spare parts such as lenses, snap-on rims and head straps could be sourced.

That's enough for today. Back in a few days to consider the evolution of the child and youth Barakuda Capri diving mask, which succeeded the Junior mask in 1955. Stay tuned!

The Barakuda Junior diving mask above more or less followed the same course of development as the 52/Ponza and the 53/Elba. Here's the 1955 Barakuda catalogue entry for this mask under its new name of "Capri":

German: "Modell „Capri“. Diese außerordentlich preiswerte Jugendtauchmaske wird allen Wünschen der Tauchsportler gerecht. Sie hat ein großes, leicht ovales Blickfeld und einen Gesichtsabschluß, der auf kleinen und großflächigen Gesichtern gleichermaßen gut und wasserdicht abschließt. Ausführung: Barakudablau. Preis mit BUZ-Scheibe: DM 2,85. Preis mit BUZ-Gelbfilterscheibe: DM 3,25."
Rough translation: "'Capri' Model . This extremely inexpensive youth diving mask will fulfil all sports divers' wishes. It has a large, slightly oval field of vision and a facial edge providing a good watertight fit on small and large faces. Finish: Barakuda blue. Price with BUZ lens: DM 2.85. Price with BUZ yellow filter lens: DM 3.25. ("BUZ" stood for "Barakuda UnZerbrechlich" in German, meaning "Barakuda shatterproof" and denoting a clear plastic that was suitable for child and youth masks and form use in public swimming pools.)

The following year, 1956, brought several changes:

German: "Modell „Capri“. Diese Jugendtauchmaske wird allen Wünschen der Tauchsportler gerecht. Sie hat ein großes, leicht ovales Blickfeld und einen Gesichtsabschluß, der auf jedem Gesicht gleichermaßen gut und wasserdicht abschließt. Ausführung: Barakudablau. Preis mit BUZ-Klarsicht-Scheibe: DM 3,85."
Rough translation: "Model 'Capri'. This youth diving mask will fulfil all sports divers' wishes. It has a large, slightly oval field of vision and a facial edge providing a good watertight fit on every face. Finish: Barakuda blue. Price with BUZ transparent lens: DM 3.85."

Note in particular the removal of the yellow filter lens option and the omission of any reference to the mask's bargain cost after a 1 mark price hike.

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