Thanks for the likes, Luis, and for the post, Pete.
Today we start on the Baltrán masks proper, having reviewed the goggles last time. The main issue in doing so is the paucity of information available about these models.
Let us begin with the model numbered 1705:
Spanish: "Gafas natación cristal circular, tamaño normal, un modelo muy práctico n.° 1.705".
Rough translation: "Circular lens swimming mask, normal size, a very practical model no. 1,705".
So a adult diving mask with a round window. The adjective "practical" may describe the article's versatility when undertaking a variety of underwater activities. No metal rim securing the lens, but the mask's skirt had a wide flange to ensure a leaktight seal on the face and reinforcing ribs to counter pressure at depth.
I found the following image of a Beltrán mask online a while ago without any additional information about it. It may or may not be a 1705 model:
There is no number code to confirm whether this is a 1705 or not, but the product has received a name, "Nova", Spanish for "New".