Basic gear from mid-twentieth-century Italy: Other manufacturers

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I'm grateful for the likes, Angelo and Jale.
Today's Italian diving equipment company is Tarzasub, which was based in Livorno (above), a port city on the Ligurian Sea on the western coast of the Italian region of Tuscany. Traditionally known in English as "Leghorn", Livorno is the capital of the Province of Livorno and had a population of 158,493 in December 2017.

In 1973, Mondo Sommerso published the following information about Tarzasub:

Italian: "3 TARZASUB: «MICROMAX» «VISIOMAX» - La ditta Rossi di Livorno, che importa i prodotti della francese Beuchat a assunto la nuova denominazione di Tarzasub. Particolarmente interessanti, queste due maschere: a sinistra, la «Micromax», adattissima agli apneisti per il suo volume interno ridotto al minimo, con reggetta in nailon di vari colori; a destra, la «Visiomax», perfettamente aderente al viso, che dispone di un campo visivo maggiore. Costano rispettivamente Lire 3.900 e L. 4.100".
Rough translation: "3 TARZASUB: 'MICROMAX' 'VISIOMAX' - The Rossi company of Livorno, which imports the products of the French Beuchat (company), has taken on the new name of 'Tarzasub'. These two masks are particularly interesting: on the left, the "Micromax", very suitable for freedivers due to its reduced internal volume, with nylon strap in various colours; on the right, the «Visiomax», adhering perfectly to the face, which has a greater field of vision. They cost 3,900 Lire and 4,100 Lire respectively".

So "Rossi" became "Tarzasub" in 1973. The name "Tarzasub" acknowledged the key role of the company in importing Beuchat products. From the 1950s to the 1970s, "Tarzan" was one of the brand names of diving equipment manufacturer Beuchat in the southern French city of Marseilles. And that us more or less the sum total of the information I have found online about Tarzasub. The company's 1975 catalogue can be viewed at Tarzasub 1975 catalogue. Tarzasub's mid-1970s logo and contact details are below.
Let us begin with Tarzasub diving masks. Today's model is the Micromax:

According to the 1973 Mondo Sommerso text above, the accompanying illustration has the "Micromax" on the left and the "Visiomax" on the right. In fact, the reverse is true. The Micromax is described as "very suitable for freedivers due to its reduced internal volume, with a nylon strap in various colours" and priced at 4,100 lire.

In 1974, Mondo Sommerso published another piece about Tarzsub products:

Here are the sentences relating to the pictured Micromax mask:
Italian: "TARZASUB. Il nuovo modello della maschera Micromax (foto in alto) è ora fabbricato dalla Tarzasub completamente in neoprene. Grazie alla particolare inclinazione del cristallo, il suo volume interno è stato ridotto, mentre il campo visivo ne ha guadagnato. L'opportuna sagomatura del naso agevola notevolmente la compensazione".
Rough translation: "TARZASUB. The new model of the Micromax mask (photo above) is now manufactured by Tarzasub completely in neoprene. Thanks to the particular inclination of the lens, its internal volume has been reduced, while the visual field has increased. The appropriate shaping of the nose greatly eases compensation".

And here is the "Nuova Micromax" in 1975:

Italian: "NUOVA MICROMAX — art. 151 115. E' la maschera che ha fatto il suo ingresso sul mercato italiano a stagione ’73 già iniziata. Questo primo collaudo ci ha consentito di migliorarla ulteriormente in modo da avere oggi una maschera veramente eccezionale con un volume interno estremamente ridotto ed un eccezionale campo visivo. In particolare è stata curata la calzata della maschera che oggi possiamo affermare si adatta alla perfezione ad oltre l'85% degli utenti. Una interessante variante della stessa Micromax è quella di poter montare un cristallo speciale temperato riflettente".
Rough translation: "NEW MICROMAX - art. 151 115. This mask entered the Italian market after the 1973 season had already begun. Due to the mask being piloted in this manner, we were able to make further improvements to it, so what we have today is a truly exceptional mask with an ultra-low internal volume and an exceptional field of vision. More specifically, a better fit for the mask was achieved and today we can say it perfectly suits over 85% of users. An interesting variation on the Micromax itself is the potential to install a special reflective tempered lens".

So the name "Micromax" focused attention on the mask's combination of very low internal volume with optimum visibility. The Micromax was a 1970s-style kidney-shaped binocular model with a neoprene skirt, a low internal volume and a nose pocket for easy ear-clearing. By piloting it during the off-season in 1973, the designers could gradually tweak the specifications in response to field tests and feedback until they eventually approached their one-size-fits-all goal.

That's enough for today. More midweek with a review of the Tarzasub Visiomax diving mask. Keep safe and stay well in the meantime.
The Micromax may have had technical improvements, but did they forget to look at it before starting production? It's the Pontiac Aztek (or, more appropriately, 1999-2003 Fiat Multipla) of masks, full of features that the public wants but so ugly no one will touch it.

Please reassure me this was a French design. It just can't be Italian.
The Micromax may have had technical improvements, but did they forget to look at it before starting production? It's the Pontiac Aztek (or, more appropriately, 1999-2003 Fiat Multipla) of masks, full of features that the public wants but so ugly no one will touch it.

Please reassure me this was a French design. It just can't be Italian.
You are right about a French connection here, Iowwall. I don't have access to early-1970s Beuchat catalogues, so I searched the Musée Dumas website to find any other supporting documentary evidence. There indeed was, as you can see above. Both Micromax and Visiomax masks appear to have emerged from the Beuchat stable and dispatched to Tarzasub in Livorno for the Italian market. There might have been a degree of collaboration and/or consultation between the French and the Italian companies in piloting the Micromax and fine-tuning its specifications, but there is a dearth of information online about the matter.

Beuchat's 1985 incarnation of the Micromax below. The source was again the Musée Dumas document database.
The Micromax is an update on Beuchat's Minimax which came out in around 1968, it being the same basic shape but the black plastic frame was thicker and wider and secured by self-tapper screws on both sides to clamp the plastic frame on the rubber body and hold the faceplate. Due to sloppy assembly some masks looked a bit askew, but you could undo the self-tappers and re-clamp the frame after repositioning it. A great low displacement mask with wide vision, but unless your face was the right shape it would not seal as the fitting was too broad across the forehead. The Micromax was changed to fit more people.
Thanks for the likes, Angelo, Jale, Iowwall and Bigbella. And thank also to Pete for that interesting insight into the Minimax story.

Today's Tarzasub diving mask is the Visiomax. The name suggests that the mask's forte was the breadth of its visual field, while the strong point of the Micromax was its low internal volume. Like the Micromax, the Visiomax was actually a Beuchat product. Here is the Visiomax in the 1973 issue of Mondo Sommerso:

According to the caption, the 'Visiomax' adheres perfectly to the face (and) has a greater field of vision (than the Micromax)". The Visiomax is the model on the left of the picture.

Here is the Visiomax in a 1975 Tarzasub catalogue:
No caption other than the name. What we have here is a kidney-shaped diving mask in the 1970s style with an emphasis on breadth of vision.
Let us go back to the original French sources of information about the Visiomax mask, which is a Beuchat product when all is said and done. Here is the Visomax as a "new product" in a 1973 issue of Aventure Sous-Marine:
French: "VISIOMAX s'adapte à tous les visages".
English: "VISIOMAX adapts to all faces".

And here is the Visiomax in a 1975 roundup of masks in Océans:
French: "Visiomax Beuchat. Masque à vitre unique en verre trempé. Double jupe en latex, cerclage en plastique jaune. Flottabilité 103 g, volume intérieur 163 cm³, encombrement 298 cm³, Vision totale: 38 % du champ normal, vision en relief: 50 %. — Prix: 30,95 F. Masque de présentation moderne, esthétique. Très bon confort, mais trop grande souplesse de la jupe. Bonne étanchéité, équilibrage facile. L'une des cinq meilleures cotations pour la chasse (69.9/100) et pour !a plongée (79,4/100). L'un des cinq meilleurs rapports qualité; prix pour la chasse (22,5) et pour la plongée (25,6). L'un des cinq masques les moins chers de la série".
English: "Visiomax Beuchat. Mask fitted with single tempered-glass lens. Double latex skirt, yellow plastic rim. Buoyancy 103 g, internal volume 163 cm³, overall size 298 cm³, Total vision: 38% of the normal field, relief vision: 50%. — Price: 30.95 F. Modern, good-looking mask. Very comfortable, but too much flexibility in the skirt. Leaktight, easy to compensate. One of the five highest rated for hunting (69.9/100) and for diving (79.4/100). One of the five rated highest for quality; prices for hunting (22.5) and for diving (25.6). One of the five cheapest masks in the series".

So a little more detail in the comparative mask review, including some quantitative data. The mask appears to have had a generally good reception in terms of appearance, wearing comfort, leaktightness, ease of ear-clearing and, last but not least, pricing.

That's my lot for today. There are two more Tarzan/Beuchat models to be reviewed, the Microbaby and the Super Compensator, that must wait until the weekend to be considered. Until then, keep well and stay safe.
Thanks, Angelo and Bigbella, for the likes.

Today's Tarzasub masks for consideration are the Microbaby and the Super Compensator. The Microbaby appears in the 1975 Tarzasub catalogue:
No further information has been forthcoming about this model. It appears to be a typical kidney-shaped mask in the 1970s style with a single lens but binocular look. Whether the "baby" portion of the name indicates smaller-sized eyewear is moot. What is certain is that unlike previous Tarzan masks reviewed here the Microbaby appears to be conspicuous by its absence from Beuchat catalogues. Make of that what you will: this may be a unquely Tarzasub model.
Let us move on to the Super Compensator mask. Here it is in the 1975 Tarzasub catalogue:
Italian: "SUPER COMPENSATOR — art. 151 111. E' la maschera compensator con incavi elastici per la compensazione completamente ristrutturata in modo da offrire un'ottima adattabilità ed aderenza al viso ed un volume interno notevolmente ridotto. E' una maschera particolarmente idonea per le immersioni profonde; anche questa come la Micromax viene costruita nella versione con cristallo speciale temperato riflettente che oftre vantaggi già enunciati. Questo cristallo dà la possibilità al cacciatore subacqueo di osservare le sue prede senza provocare in esse agitazione e paura. Ciò in conseguenza al fatto che il pesce, guardando nel cristallo, non scorge gli occhi del cacciatore, ma la sua immagine ritessa. Questa immagine induce addirittura il pesce ad avvicinarsi perchè incuriosito dal cacciatore stesso".
Rough translation: "SUPER COMPENSATOR - art. 151 111. It is the compensator mask with elastic recesses for compensation completely restructured in order to offer excellent adaptability and adherence to the face and a considerably reduced internal volume. It is a mask particularly suitable for deep diving; this too, like the Micromax, is built in the version with a special reflective tempered glass which offers three advantages already mentioned. This lens enables the underwater hunter to observe his prey without causing them agitation and fear. This is due to the fact that the fish, looking into the lens, does not see the eyes of the hunter, but re-imagines him. This image even induces the fish to approach because it is intrigued by the hunter himself".

I must say I was somewhat amused by the catalogue-writer's remark that fish experienced "agitation and fear" when observed by underwater hunters but were simply "intrigued" when spearfishermen donned Super Compensator masks instead fitted with reflective lenses.

The Super Compensator has a classic look, being a traditional oval model secured with a stainless-steel rim. It figures prominently in French diving magazine mask reviews, e.g. from 1975:
French: "SUPER-COMPENSATOR · Beuchat. Masque à vitre unique en verre trempé. Double jupe en néoprène, cerclage inox. Flottabilité 19 g, volume intérieur 105 cm³, encombrement 235 cm³. Vision totale 44 % du champ normal, vision en relief 65 %. Prix: 35,67 F. Masque confortable, étanche. Manœuvre d'équilibrage aisée. Grand champ de vision vertical. Le volume intérieur et a flottabilité les plus réduits. L'un des meilleurs scores pour l'encombrement et pour la vision en relief. La meilleure cotation pour la chasse {87,2/100) et pour la plongée (85,3/100} L'un des cinq meilleurs rapports qualité/prix pour la chasse (24,4) ainsi que pour la plongée 23,9)".
English: "Beuchat · SUPER-COMPENSATOR. Mask with single tempered-glass lens. Double neoprene skirt, stainless-steel rim. Buoyancy 19 g, internal volume 105 cm³, overall dimensions 235 cm³. Total vision 44% of normal field, relief vision 65%. Price: 35.67 F. Comfortable, watertight mask. Easy equalisation manoeuvre. Large vertical field of vision. Lowest internal volume and buoyancy. One of the best scores for bulk and for relief vision. The best rating for hunting {87.2/100) and for diving (85.3/100) One of the five best quality/price ratios for hunting (24.4) as well as for diving (23.9).

and from 1977:
French: "SUPER-COMPENSATOR · Beuchat. Masque à vitre unique en verre trempé. Double jupe en néoprène, cerclage inox. Volume intérieur : 105 cm³. Prix : 42 F. Masque confortable et étanche, très adapté aussi bien à la chasse qu’à la plongée. Manœuvre d'équilibrage aisée. Grand champ de vision vertical et bon relief. Volume intérieur très réduit".
English: "SUPER COMPENSATOR · Beuchat. Mask with single tempered-glass lens. Double neoprene skirt, stainless-steel rim. Internal volume: 105 cm³. Price: 42 F. Comfortable and waterproof mask, very suitable for both hunting and diving. Easy equalisation manoeuvre. Large vertical field of vision and good relief vision. Very low internal volume".
A few antecedents to provide further insights on the Tarzan/Beuchat Super-Compensator mask, which is still in production nowadays. In 1959, French patents entitled “Dispositif régulateur de pression pour masque de plongée” English: Pressure regulating device for diving mask) were granted to Beuchat for the invention of diving mask finger wells enabling the nostrils to be squeezed without disturbing the face seal when equalising ear pressure. FR1190915A proposed a simple nose-pinching device (below left) while FR1211281A substituted corrugated bosses with a larger space in between to enhance nasal comfort (below right).
The Beuchat Compensator was the first commercial mask to feature “accordion” bosses for ear clearing. In 1960, Submarine Products launched the black version of the Compensator on the British market. American diving equipment company Healthways introduced blue and safety yellow versions of the mask in the same year.
According to a Healthways flyer (above), Jules Corman of France used a Beuchat Compensator mask when he won the summer 1958 World Spearfishing Championship in Portugal. Around the same time, the US Divers company released its “Aqua-pressure” and “Equi-rama” diving masks, which had similar nostril-pinching devices. Other diving equipment firms soon followed suit. Corrugated bosses for ear clearing were standard features of Russian and Ukrainian diving masks during the Soviet era.
The modern Super Compensator is an update of the Beuchat Compensator mask, the first mask with an angled window and finger wells, invented in 1958. Inclined oval single lens to extend the vertical field of vision. Black rubber skirt and internal finger wells for equalisation. Black rubber double safety strap. Brass rim. Aluminium buckles. Tempered glass lens, 4 mm thick, conforms to European directives.

So much for Tarzasub/Beuchat masks. Next time, midweek, we shall proceed to review the Tarzasub range of fins. Until then, stay safe and keep well.

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