Basic gear from mid-twentieth-century Italy: Other manufacturers

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The Technisub headquarters have always been in Genoa. I was there several times, I have also met Luigi Ferraro a couple of times. The headquarters were located in the same site hosting the yearly nautical salon, a fair where boat and yacht manufacturer exhibit their products. There was also a section about diving equipment.
The production unit in Turin was moatly for rubber printing. In Turin there is a vaste network of factories specialised in rubber products, working mostly in the automotive field. However there was also some background about scuba equipment, with companies such as SOS (the makers of the infamous Bent-o-matic), or, more recently, SIEL.
Fascinating detail, Angelo, about the Technisub company and its founder Luigi Ferraro!

Now back to Tecnisport. Let us begin with the firm's "professional series" masks: "La Tecnisport ha una gamma di otto maschere professionali, in grado di soddisfare le esigenze di qualsiasi subacqueo" (Tecnisport has a range of eight professional masks, able to meet the needs of any diver)".

Alfa-1 mask
The Alfa-1 is a mask with a stainless-steel rim, a kidney-shaped lens and a nose pocketm the ensemble in a style popular in the 1970s. I have not yet found any images of Tecnisport Alfa-2 or Alfa-3 masks.

Alfa 4 mask
The Alfa-4 is a rounded rectangular diving mask reminiscent of the La Spirotechnique/Technisub Aquarama mask.

The Tecnisport professional series apparently includes the "XZ" range:

XZ-1 mask
Like the Alfa-1, this model is a mask with a stainless-steel rim, a kidney-shaped lens and a nose pocketm the ensemble in a style popular in the 1970s.

XZ-2 mask
Like the The Alfa-4, the XZ-2 is a rounded rectangular diving mask reminiscent of the La Spirotechnique/Technisub Aquarama mask. As such, it is designed to maximise the field of vision. The XZ-2 is also named the "Zephir", which may here be a spelling variation on a "zephyr", which is a light wind or a west wind, named after Zephyrus, the Greek god or personification of the west wind. The XZ-2 was made of neoprene.

XZ-3 mask
The XZ-3 is a rounded rectangular diving mask with a stainless-steel rim, split strap and compensator bosses for ear-clearing.

XZ-4 mask

Here we have images of a real-life XZ-4 mask. Note the oval-shaped lens and the markings on the top, including the iconic Olympic style rings.

That must suffice for today. Next time, at the weekend, I shall move on to the recreational masks made by Tecnisport. Until then, keep safe and stay well.
The IOC have generally been very active in coming down like a ton of bricks on anyone using the Olympic logo, so I wonder how long Technisport got away with using it.

Note the Technisport masks all have their straps pulling from or just behind the mask frame, while many masks mount their buckles for the straps further back on the mask skirt.
The IOC have generally been very active in coming down like a ton of bricks on anyone using the Olympic logo, so I wonder how long Technisport got away with using it.

Note the Technisport masks all have their straps pulling from or just behind the mask frame, while many masks mount their buckles for the straps further back on the mask skirt.
Tecnisport was not the sole culprit when it came to the use and abuse of the five Olympic rings, which represent the world's five continents. Here is a pair of "Palmes Hydro", French for "Hydro fins", complete with five rings, manufacturer unknown:

Palmes Hydro open-heel fins

Well spotted concerning the position of the strap buckle anchoring points on the Tecnisport masks.
Thank you for your input, Angelo and Pete.

Today's task is to review the six remaining diving masks in the Tecnisport range. Let us first have a second look at our two main sources of information about Tecnisport masks. Here is Tecnisport's most comprehensive advertisement of the company's diving masks from 1968:
ItalIan: "Caratteristiche generali di tutte lo maschere: Mescola in gomma DUTRAL appositamente realizzata per resistere all'azione dei salino e dei raggi ultravioletti, disponibile nei colori nero ed azzurro. Bordino interno di tenuta particolarmente morbido per favorire una perfetta aderenza senza dar luogo a sensazioni costrittive. Regolazione della tensione del cinturino con fermo brevettato. Vetro temperato ad alta resistenza. Fascetta ferma-vetro in acciaio inossidabile con chiusura brevettata. Disegno moderno per soddisfare requisiti di estetica e d'indubbia funzionalità. Otto modelli per adattarsi ai più differenti profili facciali. Naso sagomato per facilitare la compensazione. Massimo campo visivo e volume interno ulteriormente ridotto. LA TECNICA AL SERVIZIO DELLO SPORT SUBACQUEO".
Rough translation: "General characteristics of all masks: DUTRAL rubber compound specially designed to resist the action of saline and ultraviolet rays, available in black and light blue. Particularly soft internal sealing edge to favour a perfect fit without causing constricting sensations. Strap tension adjustment with patented lock. High resistance tempered glass. Stainless-steel lens clamp with patented closure. Modern design to satisfy aesthetic requirements and undoubted functionality. Eight models to adapt to the most different facial profiles. Nose shaped to facilitate clearing. Maximum field of vision and ultra-low internal volume. TECHNOLOGY AT THE SERVICE OF UNDERWATER SPORTS".

We shall be focusing today on the models pictured in the centre and on the right of this publicity material.

And here is the second source from a 1968 issue of Mondo Sommerso:
Italian: "Passando alle maschere, ha continuato Scialla, la Tecnisport ha una gamma di otto maschere professionali, in grado di soddisfare le esigenze di qualsiasi subacqueo. Vengono stampate dalla Hutchinson, una casa la cui esperienza nel campo della gomma è ben nota: la loro mescola, in gomma dutral, è stata appositamente studiata per resistere all’azione dei raggi ultravioletti e della salsedine. Tra i modelli che hanno avuto più successo: la «XZ 1» con vetro sagomato intorno al naso (L. 4.500) e la « XZ 2» con vetro quadrangolare (L. 3.600). Per l’osservazione, la Tecnisport dispone di altre sei maschere, per adulti o per bambini, con tubo respiratore o senza (da L. 1.850 a L. 2.600)".
Rough translation: "Moving on to masks, Scialla (Tecnisub spokesperson) continued, Tecnisport has a range of eight professional masks, able to meet the needs of any diver. They are moulded by Hutchinson, a company whose experience in the field of rubber is well known: their compound, in dutral rubber, has been specially designed to resist the action of ultraviolet rays and salt. Among the most successful models: the “XZ 1” with glass shaped around the nose (L. 4.500) and the “XZ 2” with quadrangular glass (L. 3.600). For observation, Tecnisport has six other masks, for adults or children, with or without breathing tube (from L. 1,850 to L. 2,600)".

I have highlighted the key sentences for today's review in bold red. What today's half-dozen Tecnisport masks have in common is that they were designed not for deep diving but for observation while lying face down on the surface of the water. The intended users included both adults and children, the models available coming with or without attached snorkels.
Unlike the eight "professional" masks designed for deeper diving and reviewed last time, all six Tecnisport "observation" masks lacked the wherewithal to pinch the nostrils and clear the ears. First the models without attached breathing tubes.

X-1 mask
The X-1 has a round lens with a split strap and twin buckles whose mounting points appear to be on the curcumferential rim.

Y-1 mask
With my untutored eyes, I cannot discern any clear difference between the X-1 and the Y-1 observation mask. Perhaps others can.

Y-3 Normale mask
This model has the tag "normale" to distinguish it from a version with a snorkel socket. Otherwise, the Y-3 seems to resemble the X-1 and the Y-1 in all respects.
The remaining three models in the Tecnisport observation mask range are each fitted with a socket for a single snorkel.

X-2 snorkel-mask
Note the breathing tube socket on the wearer's right. The mask otherwise resembles the other Tecnisport models reviewed thus far.

Y-2 snorkel-mask
Once again, the snorkel socket on the wearer's right and this time fitted with the very long vertical barrel of a single breathing tube topped with a combined U-bend and float valve at the supply end. The length of the attached snorkel must call into question its breathability. Presumably, the X-2 snorkel-mask would also have been fitted with a similarly extended tube.

Y-3 con respiratore snorkel-mask
"Con respiratore" is Italian for "with breathing tube". The common Y-3 designation suggests that the Y-3 con respiratore is a replica of the Y-3 normale except for the snorkel socket on the wearer's right. Once again, the presumption is that the elongated breathing tube of the Y-2 snorkel-mask would be fitted to this mask too.

So much for Tecnisport masks and snorkel-masks. Just Tecnisport fins remain as I have been unable thus far to locate any Tecnisport stand-alone snorkels. Tecnisport fins are for another day, probably midweek. Stay safe and keep well until then.
Thank you, Jale, for the like.

Just the fins to do in our Tecnisport review. Let us start with that extended source, or more precisely its third paragraph:
Italian: "Anche le pinne «Delta» a scarpetta, prodotte nel tipo galleggiante di colore blu (da L. 2.100 a L. 4.300), e nel tipo professionale non galleggiante di colore nero (da L. 2. a L. 4.300), e nel tipo professionale non galleggiante di colore nero (da L. 2.400 a L. 3.750), vengono stampate in gomma dutral".
Rough translation: "Also the “Delta” full-foot fins, produced in the blue floating type (from L. 2.100 to L. 4.300), and in the professional non-floating black type (from L. 2. to L. 4.300), and in the professional non-floating black colour (from L. 2.400 to L. 3.750), they are moulded in dutral rubber.

So Tecnisport once again divides its range between professional and non-professional when it comes to fins too. Both called "Delta", the former are black sinkers, while the latter are blue floaters.
And now we come to pictures of the fins themselves. Here are the Delta professionals:
This from a 1967 issue of the Italian diving magazine Mondo Sommerso. A black, non-floating fin intended for more experienced divers with deeper pockets.

And now we come to the recreational version designed for the more casual underwater swimmer:

As is plain to see, these are all full-foot fins with open toes, tall side rails and a central rib.

That must suffice for today, not least as we have come to the end of our review of Tecnisport products. Another Italian diving equipment manufacturer at the weekend, probably Tarzasub. Stay safe and keep well.

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