Very sad indeed, Barry's was the cool alternative shop around the South Bay, spent a few Sunday afternoons gettin' fills and eatin' pizza out back, end of an era...
It is indeed
end of an era..
From my post when Barry closed Sea D Sea== a little history lesson
Sea D Sea should be, but won't be, listed as a "Historical Diving location" a dive shop in one location for 60 years
Mel Fisher,(LA Co UW Instructor) opened the Catalina Street shop in December, 1953 as Mel's Aqua Shop. Mel & Delo ran it until he got gold fever.
The shop was purchased by Ed Marquand & Richard Pasker (LA Co UW Instructors) in the mid 1960s they ran it for several years. Ed's wife passed away, he moved out of the area and sold is interest to his partner Richard who ran it for a short time
Richard Pasker sold it to Barry (LA Co UW Instructor) in 1969- 44 years ago. Barry had moved from New York, discovered diving and proceeded to complete the certainly prestigious and very demanding LA County Underwater Instructors program in the late 1960s. The shop has the distinction as one of the few shops always owned and operated by LA Co Certified UW instructors.
Around that time john Gaffney organized the local shops and dive instructors concurrently began publishing his magazines. Barry evidently also joined NASDS..