Bare vs. Henderson Hyperstretch

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Reaction score
Richmond VA
# of dives
200 - 499
Anyone had a chance to compare Bare vs. Henderson hyperstretch?

Most of my dives are going to be in tropical water, but I might do some in 70 degree water. I thought if I got a 3mm suit, possibly supplemented with a hooded vest or an overlying shortie, it would do for most of my diving.

I also have a problem with fitting. With most wetsuits, if I get one that fits around my bustline and waist, it's generally way too long in the arms and legs.

What do y'all think??
I don't have any experience with BARE, but the Henderson Hyperstretch is a good suit. The stretchabilty (not sure if that's a word, but you get what I mean) of the Hyperstretch allows it to fit a wide range of body types. Your LDS can even have one custom made for you if a stock size doesn't fit the way you like. Before and after dives, it's a piece of cake getting in and out, unlike the traditional neoprene suit. However, the ease of getting in and out does have it's downside. The Hyperstretch will not last as long and a traditional suit. If you plan on going diving often, you may find yourself going back to your LDS for a new suit faster than you may have expected.


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