After investigating this throughly (including talking to the Bare reps here in BC), I decided on the Lite. The HD is really nothing more than the lite with a few extra features (which I did not care for myself). There are numerous of these suits here (Northern BC) that are used constantly for both work and recreation, and they are holding up great. In comparison, the Vikings are having more troubles than the Bare ATR Lites are, so if that is any indication. If you do not need the gators (you have had a suit without them and really have no trouble with the leg inflation) or required to be on your kneed in some gnarly situations where the beefier material would be nice, then don't hesitate for the lite. As well it is a little more flexible (minimal really, but noticible in the long run). For ice diving, this suit is better than many others out there. The ATR system gets rid of excess volume to a degree so that there is less air to get cold. No complaints on the performance under the ice either. It seems to be a better suit than my old imprex, so what it is going to come down to is between price and are you in the situations where the extras on the HD are really necessary. Once those questions are answered you'll know which suit to buy. Just my $.02 anyway.