Umm, I suggest it speaks directly to the ineffectiveness of implementing "feel good" rules that are ineffective and do little to nothing to address the root cause of the problem.
Fine, as a general principle. I disagree that banning sales of water packaged in plastic bottles has anything to do with "feeling good" and everything to do with being effective. Do you have any reason to believe that less plastic sold does NOT result in less plastic in the landfill and ocean?
So some mother who wants purified water to mix up formula in a baby bottle has to just tolerate your new rule . . .
I don't know anything about baby formula, so perhaps that's a good point. I do know that bottled water did not exist in the US when I was a baby. Yet people visited national parks and everywhere else in the US. Perhaps they did so only after their babies were older. I don't know. I do believe there is some way to avoid this problem.
. . . even though you focus in on one item, and ignore soda, sports drinks and candy wrappers that are just as big of problem.
These are NOT "just as big a part of the problem." I don't have statistics, but I have to believe that far more plastic from bottled water is trashed than from soda bottles. I said this in a previous post. I am certain that people drink a LOT of bottled water--more than soda and sports drinks. Look around--everyone has a bottle of water these days, on their desks, in their cars, at the gym, and certainly when they're out walking in national parks. I am certain that more water is drunk than soda or sports drinks, and except for those who have finally gotten environmentally conscious about it, is drunk from single-use plastic bottles.
I find suspect, the way activist pick their battles and expect others to suspend rational thought, where skepticism and critical thinking are in very short supply.
The fact is, we don't have the numbers. I am only an "activist" because I am convinced that a lot more plastic ends up in the trash from disposable water bottles (but also plastic grocery bags) than from any other source. If that is incorrect, I would be glad to reconsider my position. I base my position on what I believe to be fact. Give me the facts.