Baja dive addict

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San Diego CA
Buenos tardes everyone,

I am a baja dive/spearfishing guide working out of a small port called Puertecitos. I just found this board and would like to start posting trip reports of our expeditions to the Enchanted Islands located just north of Gonzaga bay in the Sea of Cortez. I like guiding Scuba expeditions more than fishing because I get to spend my time underwater instead of baking in the sun.

Now that the resorts are asking me to do more dive expeditions they want me to get my dive master cert. I start rescue diver tomorrow.

Has anyone else ever dove the Enchanted Islands?

Nope, cant say I have--thanks for the plug though!
Welcome to SB!! :happywave Put us in your favorites and check in often. This is a great place to learn, compare, argue :argue:

I'm not a Moderator, authority, or anything similar, but - as I understand the SB rules, they don't like advertising or soliciting. Good to talk about your job; bad to ask people to patronize your operator - something like that.

With that in mind, though, I'll certainly look forward to your posts. I've never done Sea of Cortez, but hope to within the year.

You might put this sort of link in your "Signature"...


I think it'd be okay there. For more information, though, you might ask one of the Mods...

cheers! don
Thanks for the advice Dan. Ill keep the posts short and simple with some pics thrown in. Sea of cortez is really cool. It is not like cancun or the pacific. Its like a cross between the two. Pure desert then ocean.
Welcome to SB!! :happywave Put us in your favorites and check in often. This is a great place to learn, compare, argue :argue:

I'm not a Moderator, authority, or anything similar, but - as I understand the SB rules, they don't like advertising or soliciting. Good to talk about your job; bad to ask people to patronize your operator - something like that.

With that in mind, though, I'll certainly look forward to your posts. I've never done Sea of Cortez, but hope to within the year.

You might put this sort of link in your "Signature"...

I think it'd be okay there. For more information, though, you might ask one of the Mods...

cheers! don
The area is like a giant bay, except for when the wind picks up and then it looks like a big choppy mess. The islands where we dive each have a different thing that makes them special. One called salvatierra is a big caldera. We camp in the big cove there. There is also some sea mounts that come up out of the water at low tide land then back under. They have alot of sea life on them, but they can be bad for a boat if you dont know where they are. One of my favorite underwater sights is the different angel fish. Im going out again at the end of the month and Im going to post a trip report.


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