Bad photographers at SCUBA Club

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Sounds like we need to put together a "Reef Etiquette" segment for the show!
Sounds like we need to put together a "Reef Etiquette" segment for the show!

Based on this thread it sure as hell couldn't hurt!
A bang stick hanging off your gear (not sure of the correct term) might deter a photographer/diver from getting to close!
Wasn't part of this all about whether DM's should get involved IF photographers (if we are willing to use that term) can't be courteous & respectful of the reef, marine life & other divers? If indeed a group of divers taking photos or videos acted as stated or even close to that why shouldn't the DM's who supposedly are there to protect the park & everything in it take action. None of us have the right to do what we want if it can harm anything within the park boundaries nor harass Turtles etc. I carry a camera & I don't feel it gives me more rights than anyone else & to the best of my knowledge I wait my turn if I didn't find it. I also make sure others are alerted to what I do find & that even applies to divers in the next group if they are close enough to signal.
"I love to make up fake sightings back on the boat. Half the fun is to see how spun up you can get somebody when you tell them about the 2 headed lobster you saw, it's even better when you have a partner in crime and start having a fake conversation loud enough for some dive socialist to overhear you two and you pretend how excited you were to have gotten pictures of the elusive dancing pelosi fish with the top hat, like the singing frog from the bugs bunny cartoon"

Good one Mike ! 😉. Ah yes the two headed lobster or even the Infamous Sea Rabbit !! I agree it is it fun to try this on new divers . It is a right of passage of sorts. However in my previous post I was mainly referring to the PhotoHog or Lookie Loo who push their way in on anything and everything, scare away the critters then once on the boat brag about it. Oh well, often these folks reach air limit due to all of their extra efforts and rather quickly are out of the water. At which point, the remaining dive time is easy going.
Unfortunately, this happens EVERYWHERE, not just 1 group of photographers at SCC. DMs are concerned about their tips and that makes them shy away from confrontation. I have seen it at EVERY destination for the past 14 years I have been diving. I have only once seen a DM confront divers and that was in Bonaire and the DM was a rude B who every diver on the boat hated. Unfortunately, that is how it goes. DMs who are strict get low tips and hatred, DMs who are liberal and friendly get big tips.

The problem is NOT the camera, it is the DIVER. We have found over the years, that it is the responsibility of the other DIVERS to make the move. On more than one occasion my husband or I have swam over to a diver, lifted their fins up off of coral or sponge, and pointed at what they were kicking to let them know. Then back on the boat we GENTLY and I do mean GENTLY tell the diver "oh I know you weren't doing it on purpose but I just wanted to let you know you ACCIDENTALLY kicked that...". No kidding, it always works. People are embarrassed and try to do better the next time.

The WORST offender I have ever seen is a well-known photographer than everyone here on SB has seen photos by in magazines and the internet. He lays on top of anything to get a photo. And he is a professional! Beginners I don't mind as much because they are new and don't realize it. Gentle discussions about it work with them.

Don't be afraid to say something to a diver.... just make sure you do it in a non-confrontational way. Lie and say you know they didn't do it on purpose, it doesn't matter as long as they quit hurting the fish or reef. The final outcome is what matters most.

Unfortunately, this happens EVERYWHERE, not just 1 group of photographers at SCC. DMs are concerned about their tips and that makes them shy away from confrontation. I have seen it at EVERY destination for the past 14 years I have been diving. I have only once seen a DM confront divers and that was in Bonaire and the DM was a rude B who every diver on the boat hated. Unfortunately, that is how it goes. DMs who are strict get low tips and hatred, DMs who are liberal and friendly get big tips.

The problem is NOT the camera, it is the DIVER. We have found over the years, that it is the responsibility of the other DIVERS to make the move. On more than one occasion my husband or I have swam over to a diver, lifted their fins up off of coral or sponge, and pointed at what they were kicking to let them know. Then back on the boat we GENTLY and I do mean GENTLY tell the diver "oh I know you weren't doing it on purpose but I just wanted to let you know you ACCIDENTALLY kicked that...". No kidding, it always works. People are embarrassed and try to do better the next time.

The WORST offender I have ever seen is a well-known photographer than everyone here on SB has seen photos by in magazines and the internet. He lays on top of anything to get a photo. And he is a professional! Beginners I don't mind as much because they are new and don't realize it. Gentle discussions about it work with them.

Don't be afraid to say something to a diver.... just make sure you do it in a non-confrontational way. Lie and say you know they didn't do it on purpose, it doesn't matter as long as they quit hurting the fish or reef. The final outcome is what matters most.


I triple liked this.

. Ah yes the two headed lobster or even the Infamous Sea Rabbit !! I agree it is it fun to try this on new divers .

The sea rabbit! forgot about that one. I'm going to use that next time.

Wasn't part of this all about whether DM's should get involved IF photographers (if we are willing to use that term) can't be courteous & respectful of the reef, marine life & other divers? If indeed a group of divers taking photos or videos acted as stated or even close to that why shouldn't the DM's who supposedly are there to protect the park & everything in it take action.

Well, I get scowled at because I bring up the point of 'it's mexico' over and over again, because people want to pretend that mexico is no different than anywhere else, where as mexico is very different in there is a combination at work number one being mexicans reserve a special place in their wallets for tourists, they unfortunately have a long established history of pimping anything and everything for a dollar.

I have to wholly agree that with as much outrageous cheerleading that goes on for SCC, if the dive masters truly just ignore stuff like this, I have to question the cheerleaders and are they cheerleading for the great service and amenities of SCC or are they just cheerleading because the place is cheap, and they give a blind eye to this major defect in the staff there, as long as they still get to save a buck? If that's true that says a lot for the place and those who stay there. The marine park requires a dive master on every dive in the marine park for a reason, to protect the reef and environment there. If the dive masters at SCC truly are allowing this type of thing to go on over tips they suck and SCC is just a wholesale prostitute in Cozumel, pimping the marine park like another dolphin ride hawker on the street corner.

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