Trip Report Back in the water in Florida 2024 #2

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Philadelphia and Boynton Beach
# of dives
1000 - 2499
So, it's been a pretty long time, 102 days, since I've been diving from my home in Florida. I had a couple of medical issues to work through, now I'm quite healthy.

The trip down from Philadelphia was far from smooth on American Airlines. I got to the airport and was notified our plane had been replaced due to maintenance issues. The replacement came in and was also cancelled due to maintenance issues. We switched gates and a 3rd plane landed. It was delayed also due to maintenance issues but eventually took off and brought me to Palm Beach Intl Airport. The rental car from National and the trip home were uneventful. A trip to Winn Dixie and I was ready to dive.

My first dive was to be a 3 tanker with Jupiter Dive Center including a first dive on Deep Ledge. Unfortunately, JDC called me about 5 PM and told me there were not enough divers on the 3 tanker to run, I was moved to the morning 2 tanker.

My 30 mile drive up to Jupiter was not too bad, early morning traffic on 95 continues to increase. The boat was full, 18 divers I think, it was pretty crowded. People bring a lot of stuff, probably more than is needed. My friends put me near the stern, I did not have to deal with most of the divers.

The seas were essentially flat and glassy. Water temperature was 75 degrees, I was just warm enough in my 3 mm full suit and 5/3 mm hooded vest. Many folks in less protective gear were cold, several shivering during the surface interval. I should have worn my 5 mm. There was a very mild north current, visibility was about 40 feet.

Brad was captain, Darby was the guide, Adam served as mate. In the 15 years I've used JDC, this is the first time I've seen Adam on the boat. He is a fantastic mate, perhaps the best, as good as Ryan before he became captain. Our first dive was at Scarface, the second at Loggerhead. There was nothing remakable, a single large Nurse Shark, a couple of Goliath Grouper, no sharks, no turtles, but all of the usual reef fish.

It was great to get back in the water. I'm be doing a 2 tanker with Starfish out of Boynton in the morning.
The trip down fron Philadelphia was far from smooth ..
Welcome back. The entire month of May has even the red-eye flights into Florida completely full, Yet going out not so full{??}. Inlet cams looked just beautiful today and flat. Thanks for the conditions report !!
If you're going to be there memorial day, according to an email I got from them, splashdown divers is doing an avelo demo.
Did a 2 tanker with Starfish out of Boynton today. It's nice starting at 10:00, but boy is it hot. No relief until we got out into the intercostal with some breeze. Capt Chris, Ren, Katie, and Alex were all on the boat today.

Seas were less than 2 feet with some wind. Mild north current, visibility about 40 ft. The water temp was 75-76 degrees but there was a thermocline around 60 ft with temps more like 72-3 degrees.

We dived the extremes of Boynton diving. The first dive was south at Delray Ledges. Very relaxing dive with alll the usual reef fish, huge schools of Grunts. The second dive was far north at Tabletops. A very nice dive. Huge free swimming Green Moray and a large Loggerhead Turtle as well as all the usual reef fish. The Boynton reef is in better shape than Jupiter. We ended at the north end of the reef. I used to dive a route on Tabletops that was more west. It ended up at the finger and the jump to the west island. I would really like to do that route again.

Back to Jupiter in the AM for a 3 tanker, including Wreck Trek
So, it's been a pretty long time, 102 days, since I've been diving from my home in Florida. I had a couple of medical issues to work through, now I'm quite healthy.

The trip down from Philadelphia was far from smooth on American Airlines. I got to the airport and was notified our plane had been replaced due to maintenance issues. The replacement came in and was also cancelled due to maintenance issues. We switched gates and a 3rd plane landed. It was delayed also due to maintenance issues but eventually took off and brought me to Palm Beach Intl Airport. The rental car from National and the trip home were uneventful. A trip to Winn Dixie and I was ready to dive.

My first dive was to be a 3 tanker with Jupiter Dive Center including a first dive on Deep Ledge. Unfortunately, JDC called me about 5 PM and told me there were not enough divers on the 3 tanker to run, I was moved to the morning 2 tanker.

My 30 mile drive up to Jupiter was not too bad, early morning traffic on 95 continues to increase. The boat was full, 18 divers I think, it was pretty crowded. People bring a lot of stuff, probably more than is needed. My friends put me near the stern, I did not have to deal with most of the divers.

The seas were essentially flat and glassy. Water temperature was 75 degrees, I was just warm enough in my 3 mm full suit and 5/3 mm hooded vest. Many folks in less protective gear were cold, several shivering during the surface interval. I should have worn my 5 mm. There was a very mild north current, visibility was about 40 feet.

Brad was captain, Darby was the guide, Adam served as mate. In the 15 years I've used JDC, this is the first time I've seen Adam on the boat. He is a fantastic mate, perhaps the best, as good as Ryan before he became captain. Our first dive was at Scarface, the second at Loggerhead. There was nothing remakable, a single large Nurse Shark, a couple of Goliath Grouper, no sharks, no turtles, but all of the usual reef fish.

It was great to get back in the water. I'm be doing a 2 tanker with Starfish out of Boynton in the morning.
Enjoy your diving, my friend! Just got home from Socorro last night.
I did a 3 tanker with JDC today with Capt Brad, guide Brian, mate Helen. The thunderstorms held off until after I was back home.

First dive was Wreck Trek. There was a mild south current so we did the dive backwards. There were some Goliath Grouper and Lemon Sharks on the Esso and the same on the Zion. The water was 75 degrees and the visibility was only 30 feet or less with a lot of particulate stuff.

The second dive was on Loggerhead, again, a mild south current with visibility of only about 20 ft. We saw a couple of Loggerhead turtles and the usual reef fish. The water temp was 75 degrees.

For the third dive, we did a dive that JDC has added to the repertoire, the Gulfland wreck, also known as the Norman Wreck. Not sure why they went there, perhaps because Loggerhead was in poor shape. I have only been there once before and that would have been enough. It is a small, totally beat up wreck in shallow water from 1943. At least there were several Goliath Grouper, some Snook, and a large school of Spadefish. The water temp on the Gulfland was 79 degrees and the visibility was less than 20 ft.

Back to Boynton for a 2 tanker in the morning.
Went out and did 2 dives with Starfish from Boynton today. Madi drove, Katie was mate. Only 5 divers on the boat, luxury.

It was a very hot, sunny day, seas were 1-2 feet. First dive was at Black Condo in brisk north current and good visibility of 50+ feet. The second dive was up north at Castle Ledge. The current was modest north and visibility was a bit less at about 40 feet. The water was warmer today, 78 degrees. Saw several Loggerheads and many lobster, I guess the are feeling quite safe. The reefs were loaded with the usual fish

I have tomorrow off to have my A/C serviced. Wednesday is my last diving day, going out of Boynton to include the Castor.

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