Back from the Red Sea

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Hello everyone,

Monday night I returned from the Red Sea with my Open Water Certification :D

Iguana Don has been calling his instructor Genghis Khan, so I think he may be closely related to my instructor, Attila.

The man was wonderful. He had me do things no longer required by PADI, but said that if I want a certification from him, I would do it and beg for more. He also had me repeat what I already done in January, his attitude being if he certifies me, he has to stand up for it and will only do that on his own knowledge and not on some other intructor's say-so.

He put me through a sort of boot camp until he was sure that I was happy under water, and after that, the rest was cake.

My first dive after certification was a night dive, and I immediately fell in love with it. The atmosphere is so unique, and all these lionfish and seasnakes were swimming after us because of the lights and I wished I could share that moment with each and every one of you, because it was all so beautiful.

I saw more different kinds of fish than I can list (no sharks though :-((( and no napoleons) and my FIRST DOLPHIN :)

The other good part was a dive with two CMAS ** divers. They swam into everyone else, floundered on the bottom ruining the vis, hung on to the coral (breaking it off) and onto other divers to steady themselves and generally made nuisances of themselves. I do NOT have the idea that I know everything, I have only gone a few steps on the path, but Attila would have beaten me with an air hose had I behaved like that :D The lady diver grabbed hold of some coral to steady herself and did not see the stonefish about 5 centimeters from her hand....

I learned from this that it stands and falls not with the certifying agency, but with the quality of the instructor, the willingness of the student to recognize his limitations, overcome them and increase his knowledge.

It was an awesome and fantastic and challenging time and I can't wait to get back....AOWD here I come!


First of all congratulations on your certification!!!

Where in Red Sea where you? I was planning to go there in June, and I'm still researching around...
Was it too crowded over there?
Tell us more about it pls...

Take care

I went to Sharm back at the start of April - lot nicer (warmer and better viz) than in the UK.

No dolphins or turtles :( But I did see a shark, Octopus and Napoleon Wrasse.

Some of the sites we visited were a bit on the crowded side - these were mainly the initial check-out dives, but I guess it could get quite busy when it's warm enough for the locals to remove their dry suits.

how cold was the water there? In here it's around 14C and I'm da*n cold with my semi-dry. I was expecting to find it there above 25C - am I wrong?

Dear Sue

Thanks for your kind congratulations.

I was in Hurghada, the main dive sport tourist town on the west coast of the Red Sea. It seems to exist solely for diving sport, with 80+ dive bases. The competition is cut-throat and there are a lot of "factory" bases.

I learned and dove with Pro Sea Team (dive base on the grounds of the Conrad International Hotel) and was very happy with it.

The air temps went up into 40C and above with west winds. The prevailing wind is north, and anchor sites at the reefs are arranged accordingly. South winds bring very humid and moist air (cloud cover and humidity), and make the boat captains VERY unhappy. It becomes somewhat hectic at the dive sites if there a south wind, because there are not many anchor points and it gets crowded. West wind brings scorching air off the desert and is also good for diving.

The water temp was around 25C and very agreeable. Please take a look at the threads in the travel section, there are comments in there on places, temps, etc.

Vis was good at all times.

Let me know where you decide to go, how it was, and what you saw :)



How long before you go back? (to the red sea that is)

Jon T

I guess it depends on what you're used to. At the start of April (apparently it had warmed up quicker than usual) it was between 20 and 25 degrees C dependent on current etc.

I was fine in a 3mm Shortie (although started to feel a bit chilly on the night dive) - my previous dives were 10 degrees C so it was balmy by comparision. However the guys that lived out there thought it was very cold and were diving in 7mm full length suits complete with hoods and yes even dry suits.
Gozu! My sister!
I was wondering where you were. I didn't know you were going down to get certified. Congrats girlie!
I just found your trip report,as I was off in Miami and not on the boards until today.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time, and even got to see a dolphin. Now they are pure magic, don't you think?
Hope some day we can be mermaids together.
Dive the Planet, then repeat!
Thanks Jon, Thanks Natasha :)

It is true, Natasha, I have not been on for a while because work has been absolutely hectic, and I also have a family to run (you as a mom know all about it :)), and then was FINALLY off on was all too short.

As for when I go back, well as soon as I can squeeze another couple weeks vacation out of my boss. The GOOD news is that my older son (18), after checking out the underwater pics I took, suddenly got interested and has agreed to try out scuba!!!!!

Wow!That is good news about your son. My boys (17 and 13) start their open water July 5th 2001. I think I'm as excited about this as they are. (Probably more)
So then someday we shall dive together and with our boys.
Either you'll have to get to the Caribbean or Mexico, or I'll have to meet you at the Red Sea. I'm sure there's many more diving years ahead for all of us.
Let us know how he likes it!

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