back from Bonaire....

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....and back to reality. I'll post a full trip report soon, but got in at 3:30am, so I'm a bit in a haze right now. Dec 25-Jan 8...


-Four amazing night dives......including a midnight dive New Years Eve! Great fireworks display viewed from below the surface, w/o the ear splitting noise! Those of you who have been to Bonaire for New Years know what I'm talking about!
-Witnessing the courtship of two Frogfish on Bari Reef.
-Spending quite a few days diving on the North end, trying to find the Whale Shark that had been hanging no avail, but it was fun trying!
-New pier FINALLY built next to Sand Dollar! Only did three boat dives, however.
-Drift diving......Ladania's Leap up to jumping off the small cliff in full dive gear!
-Dry and breezy weather...meaning hardly any mosquito bites!


Didn't get a chance to meet up with Sillygrendel and O-ring. :(
Nice start of a report. Too bad you didn't get to meet up with Eric. I don't think they are back yet.
Must have been American Airlines?
I flew Air Jamaica out of Ohare. FYI, we were delayed one hour leaving Bonaire and two more hours in Montego Bay for our connection back to Chicago...this was the first time we'd encountered delays using AirJam. Otherwise no complaints whatsoever using this airline to get to and from Bonaire.
Wow that is a surprise. And you got home at 3:30 am from a flight that should have landed at 9:30 or so? Big bummer.
Waiting to hear the rest of the report. Glad you enjoyed it.
Here's our report...

We flew AA and our flight was cancelled on Friday. AA waited until 5:30 to tell us that we weren't getting out until 7 am on Sat. morning, so the "free" day we got to stay was wasted sitting around Captain Don's waiting to hear from AA. We finally got out Sat. morning around 7:30 am.

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