Baby Shampoo vs Mask Defog

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Learned a new trick!!
All you do is need to use a mixture of soap and water in a little spray bottle..
No need to buy any type of defogger...

It's all about the technique & your mask will never fog again..
After you spray your mask no more than a few times let your mask hang upright like facing you and let the soap just run right off the glass of your mask for like 5 mins.. A quick rinse and you're GOLDEN..
Learned a new trick!!
All you do is need to use a mixture of soap and water in a little spray bottle..
No need to buy any type of defogger...

It's all about the technique & your mask will never fog again..
After you spray your mask no more than a few times let your mask hang upright like facing you and let the soap just run right off the glass of your mask for like 5 mins.. A quick rinse and you're GOLDEN..
Right. Putting soap into a mask. Recipe for disaster. That’s the worst advice to this already solved problem to date.
J&J shampoo. Full thickness. Be careful not to rinse all of it off. If it doesn't burn, you rinsed too much off. Eye bubbles.

Sea Gold Gel is good too.
During the Scubaboard Invasion 20240 Bonaire I noticed most of the boats, if not all, had a spray bottle with mixed J&J Baby Shampoo and water solution to spray the masks as their mask defog. We were comparing with a new defog that will hit the market and I personally prefer the home-made solution that Toucan Divers had with the J&J/Water.
During the Scubaboard Invasion 20240 Bonaire I noticed most of the boats, if not all, had a spray bottle with mixed J&J Baby Shampoo and water solution to spray the masks as their mask defog. We were comparing with a new defog that will hit the market and I personally prefer the home-made solution that Toucan Divers had with the J&J/Water.
I think that's becoming the de facto standard on many dive ops in the Caribbean. I've seen many boats offering it over the past number of years. Works well and smells good!
I apply a defog/JJ+water mix with a little spray bottle to my mask before every dive, but spread it around with a toothbrush, never a finger. Your finger put body oils, sunscreeen, silicone, etc on to the glass. Just keep a toothbrush in your maskbox for this purpose. Rinse with water just before putting on the mask. I use a prescription mask, so I often wear the mask out of the water for an extended time before or after a dive and want it to be clear.

Perfect every time!
I think that's becoming the de facto standard on many dive ops in the Caribbean. I've seen many boats offering it over the past number of years. Works well and smells good!
Will too much undiluted soap damage the mask in any way?

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