Not mentioning that the dive goat's instructions are to not dive outside the rig and/or toward (implying under) the boat. Needless to say, if you ever had attempted such a cluster **** and survived it, you would have been banned from diving off that boat.Sometimes you have to yield to that gut feeling, to just stay surfaced and "let it go". . . In order to avert hubris -no matter how skilled or experienced or in-control you believe you might be.
I dropped and lost a disconnected QC6 gas source on surface recovery today -a configured UTD Z-system single tank sidemount AL100/13L tank with 50bar remaining gas pressure that was fumbled upon attempting to hand it up to a diveboat crew member, in 90msw open ocean waters, on the Oil Rigs off Southern California homewaters (currently 10°C and a murky 6m to 9m visibilty at 30msw).
The scary thing about it was for just an instant -and almost in an immediate impulsive reaction- I was about to dump/vent Wing Inflation to descend back down and try to catch up to the sinking cylinder, just as it began to accelerate down -but an inner subconscious voice of intuition intervened ("No! Let it go!").
Objectively and in hindsight, it would have been a "Do or Die" attempt to try and recover that cylinder -and with that tank being the sole source of Buoyancy Wing & Drysuit Inflation. But obviously and even more vital -chasing that tank down on descent with only 50bar of Air remaining in it was the only source of breathing gas left as well. . . A one-way, spiraling cascade of adversity, with a potential no-escape trap of tragic consequences.
(If I lost sight of that tank on the way down after it; or failed to reconnect that QC6 upon catching-up with it; or catching-up with it and successfully reconnecting BUT on the sea floor at 90msw and 50bar remaining??!! Any of the above scenarios, and I would not be here right now posting about it. . .)
I believe THAT thought, deep inside, stopped you from acting stupidly
As the writing on the wall says: when everything else fails, try following the captain's instructions!
Glad you are here to tell the tale...