To whom it may concern on Scubaboard,
This past weekend, Austin Aqua Sports was one of the exhibitors at the 2009 SCUBA Divers Market and Expo in the greater Houston area, Scuba Diver Market & Expo in Houston, Texas- exhibitors list.
First off, let me be clear, Mike Nickell is Austin Aqua Sports ever since Austin Aqua Sports scuba shop was shut down in December 2007.
This past weekend, exhibitor Mike Nickell (aka Austin Aqua Sports) sold old scuba gear at the 2009 SCUBA Divers Market and Expo.
Now, this is where it gets interesting, by Monday afternoon, I had no fewer than two phone calls and one visit from SCUBA Divers Market and Expo customers wanting to speak with Mike Nickell. They all admitted to getting a good price, but along the way the equipment was not functioning. (I guess they no longer thought it was a good price.)
Some of what I learned was that one new computer was not working, even after a new battery was swapped in, another had a reg set that was gushing air out of the first stage, and another had a new gauge (with non-functioning needle) on a free-flowing 2nd-stage reg set. In fairness, theres a common-sense buyer beware that goes with these type of events and for the record, the dead (new) computer is the only product that I saw first-hand, however this does not excuse Mike Nickell for the reason I am making this post.
All three disgruntled customers said that Mike Nickell---and all three customers described Mike as I would describe him---informed them that the scuba shop named Austin Aqua Sports is operational in Austin, and provided them with contact info that included his disconnected 2-year old phone number as well as the address to my scuba shop, 4403 Guadalupe Street, Austin, TX.
So, when they were told (by Mike Nickell) that the scuba gear is new or does work and therefore they expect it to . . . and then it doesnt . . . these customers of the scuba industry try to call Austin Aqua Sports. Disconnected. They try to trace down Mike Nickell via the given address, 4403 Guadalupe St. They find ... Royal Scuba.
They call Royal Scuba thinking Mike Nickell has something do to do with my shop . . . NOT.
Then, they think that I bought him out and took over his inventory . . . now his inventory is a funny story (just ask the Austin Police Dept) but the quick answer is NOT.
Then, they want to know if I carry the same old stuff that hes peddling as an exhibitor . . . NOT.
Unfortunately, I expect more phone calls/visitors over time concerning this subject because it is only one day since the Expo ended, but primarily, I feel sorry for these customers that have given their hard-earned money to a "professional" in the industry and are left with a less than comfortable feeling about their place in our industry.
In general, any industry is only as strong as the weakest link within that industry, and some are continually provided with additional ways to re-invent themselves while dragging more and more customers down with them. Professionalism, Honesty, Service, Effort, Caring. At Royal Scuba, we have never claimed to know all the answers, and we still have a lot to learn, but as an adult I would rather be confronted with learning how to winterize a pool or tinker with the auto-drain on my compressor, than still trying to grasp the values of professionalism, effort, and caring.
Please know: Royal Scuba and the property of 4403 Guadalupe Street have nothing to do with any previous businesses at this location. And we are very happy to be able to say this.
This past weekend, Austin Aqua Sports was one of the exhibitors at the 2009 SCUBA Divers Market and Expo in the greater Houston area, Scuba Diver Market & Expo in Houston, Texas- exhibitors list.
First off, let me be clear, Mike Nickell is Austin Aqua Sports ever since Austin Aqua Sports scuba shop was shut down in December 2007.
This past weekend, exhibitor Mike Nickell (aka Austin Aqua Sports) sold old scuba gear at the 2009 SCUBA Divers Market and Expo.
Now, this is where it gets interesting, by Monday afternoon, I had no fewer than two phone calls and one visit from SCUBA Divers Market and Expo customers wanting to speak with Mike Nickell. They all admitted to getting a good price, but along the way the equipment was not functioning. (I guess they no longer thought it was a good price.)
Some of what I learned was that one new computer was not working, even after a new battery was swapped in, another had a reg set that was gushing air out of the first stage, and another had a new gauge (with non-functioning needle) on a free-flowing 2nd-stage reg set. In fairness, theres a common-sense buyer beware that goes with these type of events and for the record, the dead (new) computer is the only product that I saw first-hand, however this does not excuse Mike Nickell for the reason I am making this post.
All three disgruntled customers said that Mike Nickell---and all three customers described Mike as I would describe him---informed them that the scuba shop named Austin Aqua Sports is operational in Austin, and provided them with contact info that included his disconnected 2-year old phone number as well as the address to my scuba shop, 4403 Guadalupe Street, Austin, TX.
So, when they were told (by Mike Nickell) that the scuba gear is new or does work and therefore they expect it to . . . and then it doesnt . . . these customers of the scuba industry try to call Austin Aqua Sports. Disconnected. They try to trace down Mike Nickell via the given address, 4403 Guadalupe St. They find ... Royal Scuba.
They call Royal Scuba thinking Mike Nickell has something do to do with my shop . . . NOT.
Then, they think that I bought him out and took over his inventory . . . now his inventory is a funny story (just ask the Austin Police Dept) but the quick answer is NOT.
Then, they want to know if I carry the same old stuff that hes peddling as an exhibitor . . . NOT.
Unfortunately, I expect more phone calls/visitors over time concerning this subject because it is only one day since the Expo ended, but primarily, I feel sorry for these customers that have given their hard-earned money to a "professional" in the industry and are left with a less than comfortable feeling about their place in our industry.
In general, any industry is only as strong as the weakest link within that industry, and some are continually provided with additional ways to re-invent themselves while dragging more and more customers down with them. Professionalism, Honesty, Service, Effort, Caring. At Royal Scuba, we have never claimed to know all the answers, and we still have a lot to learn, but as an adult I would rather be confronted with learning how to winterize a pool or tinker with the auto-drain on my compressor, than still trying to grasp the values of professionalism, effort, and caring.
Please know: Royal Scuba and the property of 4403 Guadalupe Street have nothing to do with any previous businesses at this location. And we are very happy to be able to say this.