Atom 2 - - need quick advice

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Reaction score
San Diego
# of dives
500 - 999
I purchased an Atom 2 about 10 days ago from an authorized dealer in San Diego. Now that I have it home (and I am trying to program the computer)- I have some questions. note: I leave for a trip in less than a week.

1) How do I obtain the current firmware upgrade? 3C? Mine is 2B.
2) The software that came in the box with the Atom 2(mini cd) is version 1.1.1. According to your web site, the sw appears to have been updated many times since this watch was manufactured.
2a: Why is there such an old piece of sw in the box??? I downloaded the most recent sw version from your web site, including the patch. When I try to sync the watch with the software, the software crashes with a run time error.
2b: Now what do I do?
3) The users manual indicates the dive computer should default to NORM mode. My default mode is GAUG mode. The watch automatically goes to GUAG mode. I can not get the watch to stay in the NORM mode. I will be diving air so I need NORM rather than GAUG mode (or so I think).

I am leaving in less that a week to go half way across the globe for a live aboard dive trip. What do you suggest I do? I don't want to be messing with this a day or two before I leave - I need to be familiar and confident with this puppy if I am to put my life in its hands.:shakehead

Suggestions??? Quick please :D
Go to the shop you purchased the unit at. They should be able to do the firmware update in house.
Also, my LDS just got in a VT3 for me and the CD that was in the box was also labeled 1.1.1 however when installing it, the app was infact the most current version. Not sure why they won't update the label on the CD to accurately reflect the version contained. You may consider uninstalling the version you installed and then re-installing from the CD.
You must get the firmware update from a dealer that has the kit from oceanic.

Was your Atom in "sleep" mode when you got it?
Can you switch into Dive mode (normal)?

As for the PC software, it may be labled wrong, mine was.
But I would download the latest from oceanic anyway, you don't know how long the unit was in stock for.
3) The users manual indicates the dive computer should default to NORM mode. My default mode is GAUG mode. The watch automatically goes to GUAG mode. I can not get the watch to stay in the NORM mode. I will be diving air so I need NORM rather than GAUG mode (or so I think).

I suspect you're getting bit here with the change they made to how you switch mode after the manuals were printed. An addendum sheet should have come with your kit, but it's also available online from here. Basically, you hold M down until the mode you want shows up, then you hit M (<2 seconds) again.

This confused me at first on my VT3 as well. :)
Don't install the patch, after I installed the patch the software kept on crashing when I clicked on the dives tab. I reinstalled the software without the patch and now at least it is not crashing.
Thanks you all for the quick response. I went to my dealer and they were able to install the firmware upgrade.

In addition, a ROCKBROTHER mentioned, there does seem to be an error in the most recent patch of the SW available on line. I deinstalled and then reinstalled the sw without the patch and all worked just fine.

The system I purchased was the model they were showing to customers - no doubt plenty of buttons were being pushed.

Does anyone know much about the battery life of the Atom 2 and the transmitter?
I just thought of something. Are people applying the 2.1.2 patch on top of the stand alone version of 2.1.2? THAT'S why everyone's getting all these errors.

The patch will upgrade TO 2.1.2... not FROM it

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