As Don indicated above, AIS is NOT PLB. Although that is extremely hard to figure out from the website...Very informative... I've been diving with a pair of SCUBA signal flares every since a dive incident over 15 years ago. I've been contemplating a PLB so thanks for this posing. I'm considering the McMurdo Smartfind S10 and would appreciate your thoughts. McMurdo S10 Smartfind Personal AIS Beacon - Star Marine Depot It's a lower wattage unit but I like how it's compact, floats, fairly well priced, and doesn't require a separate underwater container. TIA.
My understanding is that AIS is designed to be worn by commercial ship crewmen (crewpersons?) that fall overboard and depend upon the ship having an AIS "detector" system installed (kind of like a cat detector). It is designed to allow a boat to circle back and find the crewman by homing in on the low power AIS radio signal. The AIS devices are intended to be attached to a life jacket and seem to be water activated. They are not designed to be water proof to scuba depths. So not the right device for us adrift scuba divers.
PLBs send their transmission to satellites. No local "detector" is required.
P.S. Somedays I hate Don! I burnt half a day surfing for PLB info over the weekend and am now actually considering purchase of a PLB. And it is all Don's fault.