Aruba Shop Suggestions

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Bummer that Dive Aruba is closed. Clive was great.

Update - Clive is in the process of transferring the shop to a good friend of his. He's hoping to have transfer complete and the shop running by late August or within the first couple of weeks in September. Can probably contact them using the submission form on the Dive Aruba website in late August to check if they have opened back up.
Alright guys. Just came back from a few days of diving Aruba. I could not get connected with JADS because for a couple of days their boat did not have a minimum number of divers and one day did not have a DM for a shore dive. JADS communication, however, was superb.
I ended up booking with Palm Beach Divers - the best decision I’ve ever made. They were amazing. Very professional, nice guys, great dives. Can not wait to go back and dive with them again. I would say the best operation on the island!
I ended up booking with Palm Beach Divers - the best decision I’ve ever made. They were amazing.
Saw I had the last post prior to yours. Enjoyed Palm Beach Divers when I was there in early 2023. Great people - would have liked more variety in dive sites they visited (we were there 2 weeks) as they often scheduled same site(s) multiple days of the week - but would dive with them again! To update my previous post, Dive Aruba's back in business - I saw Clive standing on his dive boat, Amigo (the same one I dove with him on in 2009,) one day while, I assume, divers were down below with a DM - so he is still working.
Yes, Palm Beach Divers lacked variety the first time I dove with them a few years back, however, they did a lot wider variety this time around. Out of 10 dives with them, only 3 repeats (they really like pedernales) . Every one of the rest was different. A lot of wrecks and a lot more comprehensive than what I did in the past - explored every nook and cranny. I was very much impressed with them this time around. Even with the hurricane blowing by and winds and surf - did not skip a dive. And kept everyone safe. Can not say enough praises.


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I was in Aruba last month and had a lot of repeat dives so I think it is kind of the way it is in Aruba. There were a lot of new divers every day so we went to a lot of the same sites. Out of 10 dives there were only 4 sites. I think I am going to switch to a different dive operation next year.
I was in Aruba last month and had a lot of repeat dives so I think it is kind of the way it is in Aruba. There were a lot of new divers every day so we went to a lot of the same sites. Out of 10 dives there were only 4 sites. I think I am going to switch to a different dive operation next year.
Were you with PBD?
For us, this past week, out of 10 dives we visited 8 sites. It would have been 9 if it was not for the hurricane. Afternoon dives are all beginners and those are all repeats. I only did 2-tank AM dives. We had a few experienced divers in the group. Some newish. Did not affect the schedule or me. I will get in with PBD again next time and see how it goes. I have done some of the sites in the past, but got a lot more diving out of them with PBD. In all fairness, there is only a limited number of dive sites in Aruba, unless you find people to go far south, far north or east. Most of the dive sites will be west and south. The shops that are based northwest, will only venture down south a couple of times a week.
My friend always jokes “What is the best dive site in Aruba? - A: The ones in Bonair”. Haha. I proved him wrong this week, although it is not Bonair or Coz. Viz this week was like 150 ft (before the hurricane) and so many things to see.
Were you with PBD?
For us, this past week, out of 10 dives we visited 8 sites. It would have been 9 if it was not for the hurricane. Afternoon dives are all beginners and those are all repeats. I only did 2-tank AM dives. We had a few experienced divers in the group. Some newish. Did not affect the schedule or me. I will get in with PBD again next time and see how it goes. I have done some of the sites in the past, but got a lot more diving out of them with PBD. In all fairness, there is only a limited number of dive sites in Aruba, unless you find people to go far south, far north or east. Most of the dive sites will be west and south. The shops that are based northwest, will only venture down south a couple of times a week.
My friend always jokes “What is the best dive site in Aruba? - A: The ones in Bonair”. Haha. I proved him wrong this week, although it is not Bonair or Coz. Viz this week was like 150 ft (before the hurricane) and so many things to see.
No, it wasn't PBD. I dove with SE Aruba Fly N Dive. In the afternoon, they just do DSDs. The mornings are two tank dives for certified divers. However, there are always beginners so it limited the sites. I have dove with them for my last four trips but I think it is time for a change. However, like you said there aren't many dive sites there. Also, the DM Adolfo with whom you probably dove was with SE Fly N Dive for years. I am sure they go to the same sites. Honestly, I saw more and had more fun snorkeling this trip.
Bummer that Dive Aruba is closed. Clive was great.

Update - Clive is in the process of transferring the shop to a good friend of his. He's hoping to have transfer complete and the shop running by late August or within the first couple of weeks in September. Can probably contact them using the submission form on the Dive Aruba website in late August to check if they have opened back up.
As someone who thought Clive was great, too, I am sorry to add another update. He did complete sale of the shop. A very little while ago, someone started a thread on ScubaBoard with a complaint about the new ownership, and she was to advised to contact PADI. As a result, he has been expelled from PADI. No word on what that means for the operation as a whole.
A very little while ago, someone started a thread on ScubaBoard with a complaint about the new ownership, and she was to advised to contact PADI. As a result, he has been expelled from PADI. No word on what that means for the operation as a whole.
That's a bummer.

there is only a limited number of dive sites in Aruba, unless you find people to go far south, far north or east. Most of the dive sites will be west and south. The shops that are based northwest, will only venture down south a couple of times a week.
The location that the dive op goes out from likely determines the group of sites one might visit.

My list includes:
Airplanes (wrecks)
Antilla (wreck)
Arashi Reef
Barcadera Reef
Blue Reef /Debbie Wreck (combined) (wreck)
DePalm Slope
Finger Reef
Jane Sea Freighter (wreck)
Landfill Drift
Pedernales (wreck)
Plonco Reef
Star Gerron (wreck)
Made up name: Lazy Man Drift
Repeated several of these and took days off diving because I didn't want to repeat some.

Definitely enough good sites to explore for someone visiting Aruba for 1-2 weeks.

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