Aloha WIBB. What kind of advice is this? Are you telling people to ignore and disrespect the "No Trespassing Sign"? Do you know what No Trespassing means? Thanks to the Maui Revealed book (and others like it that give away all kinds of island secrets), many visitors are taking this attitude and disrespecting the Hawaiian islands and the people who live here. The "Locals" DO NOT APPRECIATE THIS! Have you ever had a secret? Have you shared it with someone? Have they ever broke your trust and told the whole world? How did that make you feel afterward? I can't say that I agree with this advice.
Doug, I think this is a pretty strong attitude to take. I think it's worth tempering reasons for the sign against it. In the US & Canada, a great deal of "no trespassing" signs have been erected for one of two reasons:
1. liability -- someone got hurt and sued
2. theft -- someone (or some people) were continually taking from the land, and it couldn't be enforced because it appeared to be public property.
ML&P is probably #2, EMI is probably #1, for the most part. And as long as I respected those boundaries, I would see no problem in disobeying the sign, taking into consideration a few rules:
1. stick to the worn paths... i.e. don't even leave footprints behind.
2. take everything out that you brought in, and nothing more (unless you picked up someone else's litter)
3. respect the other people there -- if you get stink-eye from them, apologize and leave
4. be especially careful (and respectful) around areas of cultural or religious significance
I think by obeying these rules, you'll find that people won't have a problem with your presence. Of course, the best option (as the authors of
Maui Revealed recommend) is to seek permission from the landowner (e.g. EMI and ML&P). According to the authors, they seem pretty cool with giving permission.