Arr matey, carve it into my Skin!

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I've seen COW in a drrrysuit and she will definately be makin' all th' scubaboarrrd pirrrates blush, and a bottle of rum! A fine wench indeed!
I gotta agree with Jeckyll... all this time you could have been getting the dive profiles back up... yarg... guess a pirates gotta have his priorities
a fine wench? where might a scoundrel of a pirate likes me-self be findin' one 'o these?
a fine wench? where might a scoundrel of a pirate likes me-self be findin' one 'o these?
Shiver me timbers lad, plot a course to the college in yeh profile. Thar be many a fine wench in college!
ARRRR pass me the grog!
Ahoy, please can somebody rescue me?
I have been captured
Princess Mania
Gar, Where can I find a bottle o'rum?
Ahoy, me want some rum Gar, Where can I find a bottle o'rum?

Princess Mania
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